Help with postcard please

Good day!

I am just posting to see if anyone can help me shed a little light on a postcard that I have come across.

I've uploaded a picture of the postcard and I notice that its postmarked 'after' the breakup of the Olympic but given the description, it seems like the card was made while the ship was still in service.

I was basically wondering if anyone could offer any background about it or comment on a rough value (if any). I also wonder if anyone could hazard a guess at its true age.

Enjoy the Forums!


Hi Paul,

Welcome to ET. I have the exact same postcard, which was produced post Titanic probably late 1912 or early 1913. In 1913, the Imperator later Berengaria came into service and she eclipsed the Olympic as the largest ocean liner in the world, so it would have had to have been out before then.

As far as the value goes, I'm not sure. It really depends on the condition of the card, but from what I can see, yours looks like it's in good condition.

Nice to see another postcard collector.

I hope this helps.

Best regards,

Actually, Paul and Jason, I think it postdates Imperator, and by quite a bit. Note that the card calls Olympic the "largest triple screw steamer" (a title she retained after the arrival of the Imperators), not "largest steamer" (the title she lost when Imperator came along).

This card, I think, dates from the late 1920's or early '30's. There were similar style cards of Majestic II, Homeric, Britannic III and Georgic II and the earliest postmark on any of them in my collection is 1932. They were still in use at the time of the merger, as evidenced by the cards where "Cunard" is printed in the line above "White Star Line" on some of the Great Ships scans and the later versions which say "Cunard White Star" in a single line and don't have a white star in the sky.

Coming so late, these cards are relatively common.
"Note that the card calls Olympic the "largest triple screw steamer" (a title she retained after the arrival of the Imperators), not "largest steamer""

Thanks Mark, I should have been paying more attention to that, shame on me! Doh! (slaps forehead)

Interesting to note that it came out a lot later after the Imperator.
Thanks to all for this.

Would I be correct in assuming that this postcard exited whilst Olympic was in service?

Sounds like this is one of the last postcards from the Olympic era
Its is one of the last postcards of the Olympic, and I think this card was used all the way until the Olympic was withdrawn from service - don't seem to have any more company produced card that postdates this.....

My guess would be around 1930-31, because there is a card of Britannic 2 in the same series.
BTW, There is another letter card, with the same picture but on a stormier day, from the same period if I remember correctly.

Too bad, I don't know why I don't seem to like unused postcards that much! LOL
I much prefer written postcards as well, as they are worth more, but having said that if the postcard is available for a reasonable price, I won't hesitate to pick it up. You never know, you may never get the chance again, especially with the rare ones!
there is a version of this card with "Cunard -White Star" printed, - like the Frank Mason 1928 sepia Mauretania card - there is the colored version where "RMS Mauretania" has been covered by a printed blue cloud, and the words "Cunard-White Star" have been printed over that. This was done so late in 1934 I think they were hoping to pass off the remaining stock as Aquitania. I once bought about 30 of these for $20.

Yeah, I agree with you Jason, with the rare cards you can't be that choosy!

Eric, I have seen those cards before and I have another one of the Laconia which was overprinted "Cunard-White Star" too - from the same series. $20 for 30 is really cheap!