Henry Price Hodges

Re: Henry Price Hodges

this was my great uncle. any further information please would be much appreciated. wendy page.
Hi, Henry Price was my great great Uncle. Can I ask who you are, where from and what part of Hodges family please. I am trying to do ancestry search especially trying to find out which relative he was going to see in America because the story my mum was brought up with was, a family member moved to USA and died there. Henry apparantly was going there to sort Probate out. He originally wasnt supposed to be going but he took someone elses place as they came down sick with influenza. I dont know who had flue, who died in america. Someone on this site said it was Henrys brother but I have all the evidence of all his brothers & sisters d.o.b & death dates & places so I am really confused to who this person was.
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Hi, my name is Sally and I am Henry Price Hodges Great Great Niece. Any information on him would be much appreciated.

Uncle Harry Hodges was my great grandfather James Hodges’ older brother. My grandmother always thought Harry was going to the USA for business reasons. Harry sent my great grandpa a postcard from the Titanic saying they had just sailed or were just about to. After his death, someone (maybe James or his wife Annie or my grandma Mag) sent it back to Harry’s immediate family thinking they would like to have it. I’m not sure what happened to it. I hope someone still has it. My grandpa James had gone out to South Africa, to Durban, with his family and was there when Harry died. My grandma said the only time she ever saw her father weep was when he learned of Harry’s death.
Uncle Harry Hodges was my great grandfather James Hodges’ older brother. My grandmother always thought Harry was going to the USA for business reasons. Harry sent my great grandpa a postcard from the Titanic saying they had just sailed or were just about to. After his death, someone (maybe James or his wife Annie or my grandma Mag) sent it back to Harry’s immediate family thinking they would like to have it. I’m not sure what happened to it. I hope someone still has it. My grandpa James had gone out to South Africa, to Durban, with his family and was there when Harry died. My grandma said the only time she ever saw her father weep was when he learned of Harry’s death.
Hello Jean. Henry (I didn't know he was called Harry) was my great grandfather. My aunt - Stella Hodges- is his grand-daughter: daughter of Hubert Selwyn who emigrated to South Africa. She is 93! I will ask her what she remembers of the story of Henry and the Titanic.
Hello Brigette, lovely to get your reply. I didn’t know about Hubert Selwyn. Where did he settle in SA? I remember hearing of a Stella but I don’t know which side of the family she came from. My grandma, Margaret (Mag) Hodges, was James Hodges’ eldest daughter. She went to SA after she trained as a teacher, joining her parents and siblings there. She married Albert Salmon and they lived in Durban. Their children were Molly and Bob. Molly was my mother.
Further to the above, I now realise I met Uncle Hubert in Durban. He was a sea captain. It was the name Selwyn that confused me, as I hadn't heard that before.
Hi. I was just putting my piano on eBay as we need to get rid of it. Realised it was sold by your relative Henry Price Hodges. Before I list it, does anyone want it free of charge ( you would have to collect it from Lichfield I'm afraid). Icansend more photos and I formation if needed. Thanks Julie Read
That’s really kind of you Julie. He was my great grandfather. Sadly I have no room for it but I will email my cousin and ask her if she is interested. Many thanks
I don't know if I am posting this right. Henry Hodges was my Great Great Grandfather. My mother was Dorothy Joyce Hodges. She was born in Australia after her father immigrated.
Hi GinaAnne, who was your mother’s father? He must have been a brother to my grandfather Hubert Selwyn Hodges who was a sea captain and emigrated to South Africa where my
Mother Barbara Ann was born. Our mothers must have been cousins. Hubert had several brothers and only one sister (called Stella Almy) I don’t think she had children.