Hidden Faces of Titanic Article Opinion


I am asking your opinion about an idea for an E.T. Research Article that I had. For about the past month, a thread I started back in January called The Hidden Faces of "Titanic" has been growing daily. It tries to identify the presumably "faceless extras" that dominate the James Cameron film. So far, about fifty-two have been identified, and the list continues to grow all the time.

Here's my idea for the article: I could identify the location of all these faces in the film and who they represent. I will also give an explanation as to why these hidden faces are who they are. It will be more in-depth than I can explain here. I myself believe that it would make a good read, especially for a fan of the flick. So, I ask of you: What's your opinion about my idea? Do you think it would make an interesting article or not?



Yours has definitely proven one of the more popular of recent threads so there should be no doubt as to the interest in the topic. By all means, submit an article.

I'm sure Phil will LOVE having some more work to do!!! Right, Phil?

Anyway, I think an article on Titanic's "hidden faces" will be fascinating!

Good Luck,


To inspire you here's a suggested title for your article:



Identifying Characters Portrayed by Extras in James Cameron's Blockbuster Film



And if you like it, the title's yours free of charge! Get to work now! We're all waiting.

All my best,

Excellent idea Brandon. Go for it!

I would definately use Randy's title.

BTW, re master-at-arms. I would make the man in your article T.W.King. His descendants believe he was something of an unsavoury character!

Good luck,

Thank you all for the posotive responses. I am now certain I'll write the article.

To Randy: That's a GREAT idea for a title! I'll go with that one. Thank you very much.

To Ben: I will change the Master-At-Arms to King. I personally thought that's who it was to begin with, myself.

Brandon- superduper idea!!- can I have the boardgame and quiz show rights to your article??- I can see a dyn-o-mite Name that Face Game Show!(just KIDDING...well..actually...)
Hello All,

Again, thank you very much for your encouraging, posotive responses. As of 17 May, construction on the article is officially underway.

It will focus on the fifty-six hidden faces that have been identified on the list thus far. I will start out with a list of the faces that were identified according to their affiliation on board the Titanic (first-class, second-class, deck crew, etc.).

I will then describe, in detail, where these passengers and crew are at in the film. I will go in chronological order of appearence, starting with the hidden face we see first; ending with the last. That makes it much easier to spot them in the film yourself.

Hidden faces can still be submitted under that thread if you like, but I have my work cut out for me with the fifty-six that I'll be using in the article.

Again, thanks for the encouragement.

BTW, a board game does sound fun!


I am currently taking a short vacation from the messageboard to focus my time on my first, but likely not my last, Research Article.

Currently, I am dividing the faces up amongst their affiliation (first-class, deck crew, etc.), and I have ran into my first problem: Who were the Kamudas and what class were they in? I have searched passenger lists on this site, in books, and my personal list, and can't find these names. They are noted in the hidden faces list as being on deck during the spitting scene, but what class were they in? Thanks.


So, they are playing anonymous passengers? Then I misunderstood that message big-time! I thought I hadn't never heard of the passengers Edward and Karen Kamuda! How ironic is this!?

Hello Brandon,

While wishing you well with your 'Nameless Faces' project, I hope your work will include further, detailed examination of the possibilities. It's good fun to speculate as can be seen by the popularity of that thread, but some of the indentifications I've just read are quite ropey.

Just as an example: the Harts. Eva was an only child. She and her mother were saved on #14, the loading of which is a dramatic feature in Cameron's film, definitely not the boat that Rose almost escapes on. Instead, could that particularly grim scene of a family's separation be read as a poignant homage to the Harts (through fictious characters), rather than a factual depiction?

All the best with your project. I hope you have as much fun in finding your way to the finish as you did in starting it.


Hello Josh and Fiona,

Josh, I believe it is Karen Kamuda. Mistakes happen. Just like me thinking they were actaul passengers!

Fiona, I have also noted that some of the identifications are ropey. I even noted that once on the thread. I will certainly try my best to further examine these identities. Here's an idea I had: At the beginning of the article, have a list of the class, affiliation, etc. of the identities, and list them like this (ex.):

Second Class Passengers: Posotive Identities:

Byles, Rev. Thomas Roussel Davids

Second Class Passengers: Suggested Identities:

Buckley, Mr Daniel

The research has been fun, if not a bit tiring, so far. How does my idea for the list sound to you? That would show that those identities are not for certain. I would, of course, explain this further in the article. I'm giving it my 110%, but I can't promise this thing to make miracles.
