HMHS Mauretania Funnel Measure

Anybody knows how Mauretania's funnels were painted during her hospital ship service? A lot of sources states that they were left in Cunard red with black tops, and the photographs taken during that period are too dark to give exact informations.
Thanks in advance
Hi Walter,

Working from memory here. After her first three trips as a transport in a dusky or dark scheme, the Mauretania was laid up until September 1915 when she underwent conversion to a Red Cross hospital ship with white hull, green stripe, red crosses, buff or "yellow" funnels (it has been noted some Cunard vessels may have retained Cunard orange funnel colors) and (possibly) an illuminated sign or crosses for night identification. She made three trips from Southampton to Moudros in October, November and December. She was released in late January 1916 and dismantled as a Hospital ship. When called again in September 1916 she was again painted into a dusky drab scheme for her voyages between Liverpool and Halifax. She would not wear any dazzle scheme until early 1918. Hope this helps.

Best wishes,
Thank you for the quick reply.
Certainly, keeping Cunard-coloured funnels could have been an hazardous interpretation of geneva specifications for hospital ships, but in some old postcards and photos seems that the funnels are black-topped. In particular that one:
and this one:
while in a lot of other photos they clearly shows a mono-chromatic appearance. But before being commissioned as an H.S., the maury had been a troop transport, and she was painted in a dull black, including the funnels. So, if they had been in cunard colours (even for a while) they must have painted it deliberately. Strange thing!
If you have or found any other informations post it here...I am working on a very detailed set of profile drawings of Maury and i need all possible informations! Thank you!
Hi Walter,

I will suggest you read this thread linked below through carefully. I posted a lot of information there, and it a fun read.

WW1 Service Part 1

WW1 Service Part 2

Best wishes,

PS - B/w photographs can be very misleading due to the sensitivity of early film stock to different colors and the texture/surface gloss and nature of the paint finish, not to mention lighting conditions, which can give very wrong and varied impressions of the appearance. I am sure you have seen images of the Titanic where her funnels can appear monochromatic, darker at the top, or bottom and so on. And, be careful with respect to recent books on her and her war service as there can be large errors. You will quickly see what I mean in the thread above.
Hi Walter,

I must be getting old - I forgot to point out that the two hospital ship images you linked to are totally faked renditions! They were made using a Davidson Bros. trials image as a base. Notice the missing lifeboats etc..

Best wishes,