HMS Belfast

From The BBC:

Ship's cat girl told to apologise

A 16-year-old girl has been ordered to write a letter of apology to the crew of HMS Belfast for drowning a cat which lived on the battleship.

The teenager, who cannot be named for legal reasons, was found guilty of animal cruelty last month.

Kilo the cat was thrown from a gangway that connects the ship to the dock between London Bridge and Tower Bridge, Camberwell Youth Court heard.
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Comment: It's a pity the law doesn't come down harder then this, and I don't say this just because I'm a cat person. People who exhibet this sort of behaviour have a nasty tendency to move from four legged game to two legged game.
I hope the nasty little brat who killed the ship's cat on HMS Belfast comes to a similarly sticky end before she grows up enough to move on to human game! What a pity the magistrates didn't take note of her giggling in the court and give her a custodial sentence.
>>What a pity the magistrates didn't take note of her giggling in the court and give her a custodial sentence.<<

If the magistrate didn't notice it, I would have to suggest that the man was blind and deaf. The reporter had no problem picking up on it. This nasty brat will probably make some mini nasty brats in time.

I noticed in the story that the other cat went missing as well. I hope that means that some well meaning rescuer gave him a safe home rather then what I think it means.
From The Daily Mail:

HMS Belfast 'was used by Triad members to ferry heroine on her last voyage'

Britain's most powerful World War Two warship was used by Chinese gangsters to ferry £10million worth of drugs into the UK on its final journey, it has been claimed.

HMS Belfast, a popular tourist attraction on the River Thames, was used to carry 52 bags of heroine as it sailed from Hong Kong to its last resting place near Tower Bridge.
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Comment: The entreaupenaurs behind this little business venture made one minor mistake. They got caught!!!