How exactly did Britannic sink?

Hi everyone! :D Yes, I know how Britannic sank.., although is there a CGI or any video that shows exactly what happens? ( Titanic for example has tons ). Sorry if this is confusing, I tried to put as non confusing as I can!
Hello Titanicman,

although is there a CGI or any video that shows exactly what happens?

Not that I'm aware of. There are bits and pieces in documentaries and in that horrible movie, but that's it so far. We know she listed to starboard badly, after her propellers rose out of the water and went down on her side.
Hi Titanicman,

Yes, as Jason alluded to, if you ever have the misfortune to see the film "Britannic", please don't see its sinking sequences as being historically accurate. In fact it's been many, many years since I sat through it but I seem to remember that only the last few minutes of the film were actually devoted to the sinking itself.

Other than that, i'm not aware of any either. As with many sinkings it's down to paintings, witness testimony and the rest is using the imagination!

Hi everyone! :D Yes, I know how Britannic sank.., although is there a CGI or any video that shows exactly what happens? ( Titanic for example has tons ). Sorry if this is confusing, I tried to put as non confusing as I can!
This thread is really old but Titanic Honor and Glory has a good animation