How Many Survivors were pulled out from the sea

Beth Barber

Hi All - I am sure that I remember seeing this discussed somewhere but I can't find it. How many survivors were pulled out from the sea? Thanks - Beth
Beth, the short nswer is that we don't really know. There are quite a few claiments out there, but the reliability of some is a bit questionable. For a summery of all the known survivors plucked out of the water as well as the claims, click on Plucked from the Sea? Survivors' Claims Reconsidered. by Peter Engberg-Klarström and Tad Fitch.

They summerize it as follows near the end of the article;


In all, from 44 to 48 were actually saved from the water while about 79 passengers and crew have have been found who said they had been in contact with the water. There are probably others whose accounts are yet to be discovered, as well. This figure stands in sharp contrast to the number actually saved from the water.

Hope this helps.​
Hi Michael - Thanks so much. Maybe some of the men who survived said they were picked up out of the water (or swam for it) so they wouldn't have any kind of "blame" on them for surviving (i.e., Ismay) when so mamy women and children died.

My son is doing a paper on the Titanic and he needed some statistical info. Guess there are somethings that there isn't an exact answer. If we do use any info from the site we will make sure to reference it correctly. Thanks - Beth
I hope your son does well on his paper Beth.

>>Guess there are somethings that there isn't an exact answer.<<

There was a lot of confusion at the time, and the press was no help. They took just about anything somebody would feed them. The official investigations didn't fare much better, although they at least tried to double check the information they recieved. Check out the survivor/casualty figures in the inquiries and you'll find all kinds of mistakes. Unfortunately, the documentation they had at the time wasn't always reliable. Enter the GIGO factor, stage right!