How open was Jack Thayer with discussing the disaster?


Riley Gardner
This might sound like a silly question, given how Jack often wrote about the situation, but this question suddenly struck me - did Jack ever openly discuss the disaster as say Lawrence Beesley did?

There's a number of survivors who never spoke of the disaster. If I recall there's a number of children of survivors who didn't know until much later (or even after their parent died) that they had parents or grandparents on the Titanic. So I wonder, is there any personal discussion as to how much Jack discussed the events? Did his children, co-workers, friends, etc. ever talk to him about it?

I ask this because speaking and writing are two different situations. Depending on the person, one can be totally comfortable doing one and uncomfortable doing the other. I know that for myself it is that way.

I suppose the same could be asked for Marian. Jack being only 17 and having such an experience with death at his doorstep could really mess with you. And I even wonder how that changed interactions with him and his siblings - having two members of your family experience such trauma must be something so complicated to deal with.
Considering his rather delicate personality, he probably wasn't comfortable frequently discussing about his experiences by word-of-mouth. Though a few times he did do so.
Actually, Thayer was open with telling his recollections of the disaster, as it helped him cope with the loss of his father and his new friend, Milton Long.