Icebergs around titanics grave

Just a quick quesiton , Is there icebergs that float around titanics grave... Whenever I watch documentarys there is no ice.. I just kinda find it a little bit funny that here is where a ship hit a iceberg but there is no ice there. No disrespect intended Just a question ?
Problems with icebergs tend to be seasonal in nature and a lot depends on how much ice seperates from glaciers into the sea, how far south the drift and how warm the waters are wherever they go. As most all the expeditions to the wrecksite take place during the conditions any other time of the year tend to be bad enough to make submersible operations unsafe and even's not surprising that there won't be any bergs in the area.
And, Joshua, it is unusual to find icebergs as far south as Titanic's position, then or now, but not unheard of obviously.

However, if the North Atlantic Current (Gulf Stream) slows or stops (God forbid, but it has in the past) then icebergs might become more common. The glaciers in Greenland, from where they come, are melting at the moment, and calving quite large icebergs as a result, but they still usually disappear north of the wreck site.

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Time to lag those pipes, check the roof insulation, and buy that thermal underwear. Or, perhaps, just move to Alaska instead, which, I've read, may paradoxically get much warmer.
The International Ice Patrol is very accommodating about inquiries as to ice at Titanic's wreck site. Twice a day ice locations are broadcast to the ships at sea, and several times in the past, I did learn there was a berg or ice near the wreck site. Before personal computers there was a neat chart you could see with the plotting done in pencil. A large broadside portrait of Titanic still hangs on the wall.You can visit the facility but I would recommend an advance call. There's a library and some great photos on the walls. Their website gives all the info and has some detailed links.
Hi Joshua, you have to remember that the winter of 1912 was rather mild and that the icebergs that broke away that spring made their way further south and into the shipping lanes than had been previously recorded. Captain Smith had actually deviated from his course and sailed the Titanic a further ten miles south in an attempt to avoid any ice fields. Perhaps he was confident that he had succeeded.