Ida Augusta Margareta Andersson

In the biography it says that Ida was unmarried, at the age of 38, and that she was on her way to America to take care of 10 children, three of which only had relation upon their father marrying in to the family. It strikes me as odd that she was unmarried or never married and they she was to take care of the ten children. I was wondering if any one has information on these children and on Ida.
As a Swede, I reacted on the text "Skövde, Småland":
Småland is indeed a region. However, the town Skövde is not located in Småland. The town Skövde is located in the region Västergötland.
From what is on Ida Andersson's bio here on ET, those 10 children were from 2 sets of parents in the same family. Ida's older sister Hilda had emigrated to America in1887 and married Axel Johnson (I think formerly Johansson), with whom she had 7 children. Hilda and Axel were apparently also caring for 3 more children fathered by Axel's older brother Andrew but there is no information on their mother. Hilda died in 1909 during birth of her own 7th child and that was the reason that her younger sister Ida was on her way to America - to look after all 10 children. Some believed that she was going to marry Axel.

I believe there is more information about Ida Andersson (and possibly on Hilda) in Claes-Goran Wetterholm's book Titanic.