If James Cameron returns to Titanic what areas should he explore

I hope, and suspect James Cameron will return the the Titanic, and there are several areas I would like the see explored, or reexamined in greater detail-

*The stern section- many have written the stern section off as being so damaged, exploration is fruitless-I am hoping there is SOMETHING left of the 2nd class spaces- be it the library, enterance, dining room or cabins- But it appears in every case each of these areas has been destroyed in the collapse of the decks....
I'm curious if Jake & Elwood entered to opening of the 3rd class stairway on the poop deck, how deep into the stern could they venture?
I still hold to a crumb of hope that there is some part of the 1st class Resuraunt-however small- that could be penetarted and explored by Jake & Elwood.
*Also a detailed exploration of the larger pieces in the debris field would be very interesting....The ceiling of the smoking room was spotted in the debris field...Is it upsidedown? Perhaps battered light fixtures are still fitted to the ceiling....
*And on the bow- I know I sound like a broken record, so forgive me- but Jake & Elwood could easily enter the forward alcove of the Reading and Wriring Room on A deck(bow section), and have them look aft....What remains, if anything?
Perhaps dangling light fixtures, and traces of paneling. If there is paneling remaining in the gymnasium, there just be somthing in the R&W room.
I suspect the wall seperating the R&W room from the lounge was wrenched loose during the sinking, so perhaps we can catch a glimpse of the collpased remanants of the lounge.....
*I hope the remnants of the Inquiry office and pursers office on C deck could be filmed in greater detail..
* Im hoping the Strauss suite can be revisted, and explored in greater detail...and perhaps there could be a way to get past the overhead wires and photograph the bedframes in the B deck cabins that were photographed by Harland and Wolff ...
Such would be the ultimate 'then and now' pictures...But sadly, those cabins seem right at the point where the decks collapse, so perhaps there is nothing left to see....

Scotland Road, the Turkish Baths, the swimming bath, the squash court and the 3rd class dining room are all areas I would like to see explored....

If there is one thing the 2001 expedition proved, and that is much of Titanic's former oppulance still remains, and there is still much left to explore..

What part of the wreck would you like a future Cameron Titanic expedition to explore?


Tarn Stephanos
Yeah, C deck was never explored, most of the time, each trip inside always gots to D deck. Waht about the other decks, like C deck or E deck? What about sending an rov inside the RandW room where the large hole is to enter?

What about going under the peeled out shell plating on the port side of the stern section? Also Cargo hold 1 on the forecastle deck, there's one hatch never entered yet.
Actually, on the Cameron dive, they were very maticulous and explored each deck on the bow section. Ken Marschall's writeup is stunning- There was mention of the sagging marble countertop in the enquiry office, and bedframes seen beyond- i would just like to see photographs to accompany that....

Tarn Stephanos