Impactful Descendents of Titanic Survivors


One thing I've always been interested in is researching the descendants of Titanic survivors and if they have made any sort of lasting impact on society.

For 3rd class passenger and survivor Shawneene Abi Sa'b, two of her children Rose and Albert (who were already living in the US at the time she sailed on the Titanic) and a son-in-law Thomas created an ice cream cone company called the George and Thomas Cone Company in 1918. In 1964, after a relocation, a fire, and declining sales, it was taken over by her grandson, Joe George. He helped propel the company (now known as Joy Cones) into modern times and making them one of the most successful ice cream cone companies in the US. They currently manufacture about 60% of the ice cream cones sold in the US, including to places like Dairy Queen and McDonald's. I see their cones for sale in my local grocery store all the time. The company is currently run by Shawneene's great-grandson, David George.

This got me wondering, are there any other descendants of survivors that have also made impacts such as this? Whether in business, science, medicine, politics, art/music, etc? I'd like to hear other stories as well! Thank you for reading, I look forward to hearing other stories.
This got me wondering, are there any other descendants of survivors that have also made impacts such as this? Whether in business, science, medicine, politics, art/music, etc? I'd like to hear other stories as well! Thank you for reading, I look forward to hearing other stories.
  • Elizabeth Law Barbour-Andrews (1910-1973), the daughter of Helen "Nellie" Reilly Andrews (1881-1966, maiden name Barbour) and Thomas Andrews Jr (1873-1912, who was the master-shipbuilder of the Olympic and Titanic and a first class passenger)) became the first Ulster woman to get her flying license. She was never married and had no children.
  • Haruomi Hosono, the grandson of second class passenger Masabumi Hosono (1870-1939), is a famous Japanese musician, singer, songwriter and record producer.
  • Jesse Isidor Straus (1872-1936), who was the United States Ambassador to France from 1933 to 1936, was the son of first class passengers Isidor Straus (1845-1912) and Rosalie Ida Straus (1849-1912)
  • Wendy Rush (maiden name Weil), the widow of Ocean Gate’s CEO Stockton Rush, is the great-great-granddaughter of first class passengers Isidor Straus (1845-1912) and Rosalie Ida Straus (1849-1912)
  • The singer Mikaela Mullaney Straus is the great- great-granddaughter of first class passengers Isidor Straus (1845-1912) and Rosalie Ida Straus (1849-1912). Who in my opinion controversially and quite disrespectfully said about her great, great grandparents their heroic and even romantic sacrifice to stay : “Those fools died” and even chuckled while stating as such.
  • The actor Ralph Fiennes is the great-great nephew of first class passenger Edward Pomeroy Colley (1875-1912)
  • Marguerite "Peggy" Guggenheim (1898-1979), the famous art collector and founded of the Peggy Guggenheim Collection in Venice, is the daughter of first class passenger Benjamin Guggenheim (1865-1912)
  • The actor Paul McGann, perhaps the most well known for portraying the Eight incarnation of The Doctor in Doctor Who, his great uncle was trimmer James McGann (1882-1918)
  • The actor James Harder (1931-2009) was the son of first class passenger George Achilles Harder (1886-1959) from his second marriage.

These are some examples I have, I hope you'll enjoy them.
  • Elizabeth Law Barbour-Andrews (1910-1973), the daughter of Helen "Nellie" Reilly Andrews (1881-1966, maiden name Barbour) and Thomas Andrews Jr (1873-1912, who was the master-shipbuilder of the Olympic and Titanic and a first class passenger)) became the first Ulster woman to get her flying license. She was never married and had no children.
  • Haruomi Hosono, the grandson of second class passenger Masabumi Hosono (1870-1939), is a famous Japanese musician, singer, songwriter and record producer.
  • Jesse Isidor Straus (1872-1936), who was the United States Ambassador to France from 1933 to 1936, was the son of first class passengers Isidor Straus (1845-1912) and Rosalie Ida Straus (1849-1912)
  • Wendy Rush (maiden name Weil), the widow of Ocean Gate’s CEO Stockton Rush, is the great-great-granddaughter of first class passengers Isidor Straus (1845-1912) and Rosalie Ida Straus (1849-1912)
  • The singer Mikaela Mullaney Straus is the great- great-granddaughter of first class passengers Isidor Straus (1845-1912) and Rosalie Ida Straus (1849-1912). Who in my opinion controversially and quite disrespectfully said about her great, great grandparents their heroic and even romantic sacrifice to stay : “Those fools died” and even chuckled while stating as such.
  • The actor Ralph Fiennes is the great-great nephew of first class passenger Edward Pomeroy Colley (1875-1912)
  • Marguerite "Peggy" Guggenheim (1898-1979), the famous art collector and founded of the Peggy Guggenheim Collection in Venice, is the daughter of first class passenger Benjamin Guggenheim (1865-1912)
  • The actor Paul McGann, perhaps the most well known for portraying the Eight incarnation of The Doctor in Doctor Who, his great uncle was trimmer James McGann (1882-1918)
  • The actor James Harder (1931-2009) was the son of first class passenger George Achilles Harder (1886-1959) from his second marriage.

These are some examples I have, I hope you'll enjoy them.
Wow, what an excellent list! Thank you Thomas, I will have plenty of fascinating people to read about this weekend!
Great post Thomas. The following one interested me most:

The actor Ralph Fiennes is the great-great nephew of first class passenger Edward Pomeroy Colley (1875-1912)
Edward Colley was one of Gracie's 'Coterie' wasn't he?

Ralph Fiennes is one of my favourite actors. IMO, he's the vicitm of the greatest ever travesty in Oscars history. This was to award the Best Supporting Actor to Tommy Lee Jones for The Fugitive instead of Ralph Fiennes for Schindler's List in the 1993 Oscars ceremony. Jones was good as Samuel Gerard but it was not an Oscar winning performance by any stretch if imagination; on the other hand, Fiennes' shatteringly effective turn as the evil Nazi Kommandant Amon Goeth is one of the greatest on-screen performances that I have ever seen.
Edward Colley was one of Gracie's 'Coterie' wasn't he?
He indeed was my friend. Unlike James Clinch Smith and Edward Austin Kent he wasn't seen during the sinking.
Ralph Fiennes is one of my favourite actors. IMO, he's the vicitm of the greatest ever travesty in Oscars history. This was to award the Best Supporting Actor to Tommy Lee Jones for The Fugitive instead of Ralph Fiennes for Schindler's List in the 1993 Oscars ceremony. Jones was good as Samuel Gerard but it was not an Oscar winning performance by any stretch if imagination; on the other hand, Fiennes' shatteringly effective turn as the evil Nazi Kommandant Amon Goeth is one of the greatest on-screen performances that I have ever seen.
He's a very talented actor and I totally agree my friend.