Is this Titanic's clock?

Hi, I came across this photo that was suppose to be comparing the Olympic's clock to the clock from 2011 and 1911. After a little closer of a look, I realized that the clocks are very similar, but there are 3 differences in the carving that are not the same, which I explain in one of these images which you will have to zoom in on to look into. In text, the Olympic has 1 flower, full circle, and semi circle in the garland above the scroll on the top left facing side, while on the left, there are 2 flowers, no semi circle, and a long, thin, pepper shape. the Olympic also shows 2 nut shapes side by side under the beginning of the scroll on the Right facing side. The second image, which claims to be the same panel in 1911, shows that the design of one flower, one circle, and one semi circle in the garland on the left side above the scroll is reflected symmetrically into the right side, and there is only one nut, not two nuts side by side under the beginning of the scroll on the top right side. Could this be Titanic's clock? If it is, and already known about, and I just have not payed attention to discussion, I apologize, I am still pretty proud I guess that I noticed that. Here is the link to the photos, and you will need to download the photo called "Story and Evidence" and zoom in on it to read it all. -Richie
How did the carving in the Panel change then from 1911 and 1920? you don't change a symmetrical clock panel to be not symmetrical unless it got damaged by falling off the wall at H&W