Jaakko Arnold Panula

During my family research i came across baptism records for a son of John and Maria Panula in East Tawas, Michigan. I know through tracking the at the family was indead in East Tawas between 1896-1900. I found a reocrd saying that John and Maria were witnesses in another child's baptism, at the local Abigail Lutheran Church, and i can indeed, find they are members of that church. I have found a record of the birth and baptism of a son of theirs. The problem is is seems to be that of Jaakko Arnold Panula. It has a problem i am sure you can see:
Jacob (Jakob) Arnold Panula born 8 feb 1897, to John and Maria Panula, baptised on 17 feb 1987.
See the problem? No it's not the name, it's the ten-month difference in birth days.The exact ten months to the day. Someone suggested it could have been another son, who mayhaps died young, but no i don't believe that. There would be a death record if him, but i cannot find it. It would also be too damn close to give birth to two seperate children in ten months.
I can across a second record for the same child, though his name is spelled with a k.
I have come across a few select records finding that if a Finn went to America, had a child, it would be born with a Finnish name, and baptised with the closest English variation, and if that child went back to Finland, the parents could have changed his name, or could have kept the birth name, and discarding the baptismal record name. On a few Finnish and Swedish websites, it has said that Jaakko was born indeed, 8 feb, and baptised 17 feb 1897. What do you think?
hey Hildur! Oh my gosh! Did you know that your baby relative was identified as Eino Panula (yes, he's Eino, so others don't try to argue!) at my University as Brigham Young University? (BYU). My school is AWESOME!!!!!!!!! The best school ever.

I think they recorded his name wrong, that's all. I can assure you, I ttok genealogy classes at my school in BYU!
But what do you think of the ten-month-to-the-day difference? If it really is Jaakko, that would mean he was fifteen and not fourteen when Titanic sank, and that the whole world has his b-day wrong. Could it be a possible additional son? I think, given the age, and pregnancy timing, it is a VERY slim chance of an additional child.
You did genealogy classes? Lucky,i'm trying to do my genealogy, mostly at this time on Eino's father Juha and his second wife and children. It really is amazing what one can find out.
No, I don't think there was another additional child. I think ET has his birthday recorded incorrectly. I trust an orginial document so much better, than just ET. remember, this info was entered in by people nowadays, not first handed witnesses as at a birth or baptism. He was probably born on 8 Feb 1897. See, ET has 8 Dec 1897. They mistyped Feb for Dec. THAT'S the problem. I think Jaakko was 15 then indeed.
Wait, Hildur, Juha Senior remarried and had other children? How many additional little children did he have?

All the best,
Well he married Sanna Kaisa Ulvinen, from Haapakoski in 1913, they had an infant daughter who was born and died in infancy in Haapakoski, before moving to Minnesota and having an additional seven children.
Wow, I'm sorry but, Juha then had like 16 children, right?! I wish I could have that! Wow Hildur, you are So good at genealogy!!! You are amazing! I'm doing genealogy and temple work for my ancestors now!

Thanks. Well i have been at it for about 9 1/2 years. It was actually quite common to 8-12 children, any more sure was'nt out of the books, it was better to have more. He remarried an had more children because like everyone else, he needed family to help on the farm, and to continue his legacy. One of his daughters, Violet Marie Panula, just died 29 dec 2006, two days later i found out her name and vitals. I did'nt get to go to the funeral on 2 jan 2007. I wish i could have, even if i did'nt know her, she was still related, and it would have been nice.