Jakob Birnbaum

Hello, Ken, I'm one of the descendants of Birnbaums, but not the Juda->Jeruchim->Jacob branch, but Juda->Dawid->Ester Ruhel branch, so Jacob was my step-grand-grand father (nephew of my 3*grand father, Juda being common ancestor). I'm also interested in any information about Birnbaum family and would like to meet other descendants to share any known information about them.
Jakob was actually the half brother of my grandmother, Aurelia (Birnbaum) Morgenroth. Aurelia was the product of Jakob’s father’s. First of three marriages. Jakob, I believe, was the product of his father’s third of three marriages. I knew and met some of Jakob’s brothers: Michel and Henri, who lived in NYC and Leopold, who live in Johannesburg, SA
Henri Birnbaum was an ophthalmologist and my childhood eye doctor and Michel Birnbaum both of whom were my great uncles, was a founding member of the American Diamond Merchants Association. See his obituary in the NY Times. Michel saved my father, Fred (formerlySiegfried), aunt Jenny and grandmother Aurelia’s lives by sending them tickets on the S.S. Washington to escape Vienna weeks before Hitler invaded in the Anschluss. My grandmother was Michel’s beloved older half sister.
My grandfather, Max Birenbaum, (an "e" was added to the name as he came into the United States}, was also from the Austrian-Hungarian region. We think his town is now in the Ukraine although it is difficult to tell for certain. A friend in England recently saw a BBC program about the Titanic and the attempts to recover all artifacts. He sent me a photo of a gold watch with the inscription "Jakob Birnbaum." On a whim, I googled the name and came to this site.