James Cameron's 1995 movie expedition damaged the wreck on purpose


James Cameron has a dirty little Titanic secret; and no, it is not sketching Kate W. nude: his 1995 expedition to film footage of the Titanic wreck for his movie resulted in deliberate damage to the wreck. Read the following to get the whole lowdown:

That is technically true, Ionnis; but it was swept under the rug during all the media and pop culture hoopla over the movie.
>> but it was swept under the rug during all the media and pop culture hoopla over the movie. <<

Richard, it wasn't swept under the rug because the media didn't care. As far as they were concerned, there was nothing to sweep.
Speaking of conspiracy, I concede that, since all my information comes from either RMS Titanic Inc. or related sources, this could all be a hoax on their part they blame on Cameron ... but the damage photos I've seen look awfully real.