James Hollen Bracken

I am from, Scotland. There has been many stories in my family about a family member who lost his life on the Titanic, Mr J Bracken your great uncle
My family is originally from Ireland please get in contact if you read this.
Hi Lorna,
James Hollen Bracken was a Kentucky native and lived in the tiny town of Bend, Texas at the time of his meeting his wife, Adeline Greathouse. He died in the sinking but Adeline survived him and with her mother returned to Texas. She had quite a few nieces and nephews that remained in Texas, the last one dying in 1997. There are still quite a few of the Greathouse family members that are well acquainted with the story of their "Aunt Addie" and her husband that died on Titanic. If you're interested I can put you in touch with some of them. By coincidence, I took a trip to Bend and San Saba County, Texas last weekend after attending a college reunion in that area.

I'm sure there was an article on James Bracken which appeared in a quarterly journal of one of the Titanic societies a while back. The rather crucial details of the author of the piece and the society in which the article appeared seem to have eluded me, however! I haven't read it myself, but remember it was mentioned on their website (either THS or TI).

I was in touch with a descendant about a year ago, who managed to furnish a nice photo of *a* James H. Bracken. We're 99% sure that the clean-cut young man in the photo and Titanic victim James Hollen Bracken are one and the same.

Voyage 38 Winter 2002 had the article by Robert Bracken (TIS Treasurer) about James H. Bracken ( a distant cousin). Let me know if you wish a copy of the article.
I have recently begun searching my "family tree" and I have learned that James Hollen Bracken was my Great-Great Uncle and he died on the Titanic. James had a sister (Amanda Ann Bracken) who was my Great-Great Grandmother). I have no information on their parents and I welcome any information anyone may have.
Gayle - Here is what I have on Mr. B:

Bracken, Mr. James. H. Missing. American. Home New Mexico.
(From The Emergency and Relief booklet by the American Red Cross, 1913).
No. 51. (American). Husband, travelling alone, was drowned. He was carrying with him in cash between $3,000 and $4,000. There was no life insurance. He leaves an invalid wife, 30 years of age, and her mother 77 years old, dependent. Her physician states that she can never hope to be in any better health, and that she will never be able to do even light, regular work. The only resource is a homestead of 160 acres, in New Mexico, upon which she must live two more years before her claim can be proved. This land is unproductive until irrigated. It is her plan to remain on the land until the title is secured and then to sell the place. A trust fund has been established for her by this Committee. From other relief funds she has received $108.74. (Total allocated - $5,300).
Hi Gayle,

Some years ago, I was in correspodance with a relative of Mr. Bracken who was kind enough to provide an excellent full-length portrait.

I will try to dig this up for you.

Best Regards,
Voyage 38, journal of Titanic International, has a feature story on James by a relative, Bob Bracken. I can scan this if you would like it, Gayle. There is also a nice photo, and I am sure Bob would like to hear from you- I guess you two must be related!
My husbands family are relatives of James Hollen Bracken who died on the Titanic. I'm the one who submitted the pic of James to Robert Bracken for his book. I have much info on the Bracken/Brackin lineage. Laura S.