Karl Alfred and Maria Backstrom

After attending an exhibition of the Titanic, I found this name as one of those passengers who died. Some time later upon looking at our family tree back to the approx. time of the Titianic I found a relative by the name of Karl Backstrom who had no decedents and no date of death.
If I could find any information on his fathers name or other family, I could tie this all together.
Here is the obituary about Maria Matilda Backstrom from the "Kotka Nyheter", Finland.
In spite of the fact that the newspaper is Finnish, the language is Swedish. (About 10 % of the Finns speaks Swedish)

Our loving mother and grandmother
Maria Matilda Backstrom
from Stromsfors, Kejtala, born 28.7.1878 slept in quietly 30.6.1947. Thankful memories kept by daughter, son in law. grandchildren and other family.
Alfhild and Yrjo Forso
Arla Elise-Helena and little pian (probably little girl)

The funeral takes place at Abborfors funeralplace Saturday 5 July 1947 at 13 o clock.

Obviously Alfhild must be the child to Maria Matilda born in 1912. Arla Elsie-Helena must be the grandchild? Are there other descendants?
After attending an exhibition of the Titanic, I found this name as one of those passengers who died. Some time later upon looking at our family tree back to the approx. time of the Titianic I found a relative by the name of Karl Backstrom who had no decedents and no date of death.
If I could find any information on his fathers name or other family, I could tie this all together.
Hi Leeann:
I saw that you have an interest in Karl Backstrom. I am the creator of something called Titanic Experiences and I featured this person on my website. Please give me your email address if you would like to see the slide show that is done on him.

Hello Joe,
Hi Leeann:
I saw that you have an interest in Karl Backstrom. I am the creator of something called Titanic Experiences and I featured this person on my website. Please give me your email address if you would like to see the slide show that is done on him.

Please note that the members you are responding to, no longer post on here. It is doubtful that any of them will see your post.