Hello I'm looking for info about Miss Katie Peters third class passenger from Ballydrehid, County Tipperary, who may be my relative. She travelled with Roger Tobin, Katie McCarthy, Catherine Connolly and Edward Ryan also from Tipperary. Both Katie Peters and Catherine Connolly lost in the sinking, Roger Tobin too.
Does anybody know what were Katie's parents names?
She and Roger going "to go to Mrs. Egan, 243 East Forty-fifth Street, New York". Was Katie Roger's or/and Mrs. Egan relative?
I can't find her birthdate and any info about her family. Please send me her biography details' besides ET.

All the best,

Dear Katie,
Here is a bit more I hope it helps?

Brian J. Ticehurst - Southampton UK.
Peters, Katie. Missing. Aged 26 years.
(From: Mansion House Titanic Relief Fund Booklet, March 1913)
Number 496. Peters, parents. Grant £25.
Returning home to New York after a three month visit to her father William Peters, at Ballydrehid, Cahir.
(From The Emergency and Relief booklet by the American Red Cross, 1913).
Case number 378. (Irish). A housemaid, 26 years of age, returning from a visit to Ireland, was lost, leaving dependent parents in Ireland. This Committee refunded to a brother in New York $50 of the money advanced to his sister for passage, which he sent to his parents. The English Committee gave £45 to the family.
It has been suggested that Katie and Roger were 'sweethearts', but this seems doubtful as she had originally left Ireland when she was 22 and Roger was only 17, and the short time of her visit home in 1912 (she had been working as a housemaid in New York for the past 4 years) was hardly long enough to develop a serious relationship. Katie McCarthy's accounts make no suggestion that the two were romantically involved. The New York address they were both heading for was that of a boarding house.
Thanks a lot, Brian and Bob! I suppose that Katie's full name was Katherine Peters (other spelling?).
Bob, you claimed that Katie was Roger's good friend. What about other Tipperary passengers? I think she knew Katie McCarthy before 1912 because she lived near Cahir. But did Miss Peters know closely Miss Connolly or Mr Ryan?
I guess that Katie Peters' exactly birthdate is unknown, isn't it?
I'm interested in why another mystery. As far I know Roger Tobin escorted Miss McCarthy to the Boat - Deck. She was rescue in lifeboat#15 but Roger died in the sinking, although he could go with her. Lifeboat#15 was on Murdoch's side and many men were in it. In my opinion Roger could come back to Katie's cabin and help her and Miss Connolly. Perhaps they reached to Boat - Deck too late...

All the best,

Hi, Delia. I don't know that Katie and Roger were especially good friends - all we know for sure is that this group of four were travelling companions who all came from the same area. The girls roomed together near the stern, while Roger shared a cabin at the bow. Though Roger came to the girls' cabin and urged them to get dressed and to put on their lifebelts, he didn't think there was any immediate danger. Only Miss McCarthy was convinced of the need to make an early start for the boats, so she set out alone and was helped to get there by another Irishman that she did not name. It's probable that Roger and the other two girls did eventually try for the boats, but Miss McCarthy didn't see any of them again after she left them in or near her cabin. I've never seen a birth date for Miss Peters, but I can tell you that all three girls were Catherines with a C!
Katie Peters was returning to her older sister, Mary Peters Egan’s home. The spelling is certainly Catherine, as that is what her niece and great niece were named, for her.

Shame I found this 8 years later. Feel free to contact me Delia, perhaps we can exchange genealogical info.
Katie was born Catherine Peters in 1884 and originally emigrated to NY in 1909. Her sister Mary had emigrated ten years earlier, as had some of her brothers. Both Roger Tobin and Kate McCarthy were near neighbours of Katie in Tipperary. There are many great nieces and nephews of Katie Peters,living both in Ballydrehid Tipperary and in the US.
Were all of the older threads and posts lost at some point from this site? There had been a thread here about my great-aunt in the past, one where they claimed she and Tobin were going to Mrs. Egan's boarding house, and I corrected it then, that it was her sister.

In any case, there is still some misinformation on her page here.
Katie’s siblings were William (b. 1873), John (b. 1873), Edmund (b. 1874), Mary (b. 1876), Richard (b. 1879), Thomas (b.1885), James (b. 1886), Bridget (b. 1889), Margaret (b. 1892), Helena (b. 1894), and Johanna (Josie) (b. 1899).

My Great-Grandmother Mary was the elusive Mrs. Egan, who Katie and several brothers stayed with when they emigrated, and who for years was speculated upon on this site and in a few books as a boarding house. Those names and dates of the siblings come from several 3rd cousins, who still live in Ballydrehid, Tipperary, Ireland and acquired birth certificates, and the parish registry is easily available online.

Katie was much beloved by her older sister and both of her daughters named their own daughters Catherine, as did several other descendants in Ireland. That photograph is highly unlikely to be of my Great Aunt, as she was a cleaning lady, the same as my Great-Grandmother, who had moved up by then to a maid. It was not in the possession of either the Ballydrehid lines nor those in New York and surfaced at a London auction house out of nowhere and sold for 600 pounds. When I wrote to enquire about the provenance, I received no reply.

In fact, at the 100th anniversary of the sinking, the Irish relatives asked me for a younger photo of Mary to use instead, and I could only provide the one for her naturalization many years after 1912. The family had no money for that sort of portrait on either side of the Atlantic prior to 1912. The only pictures of her siblings in Ireland are all when they were elderly, and photography was not as expensive.