Kennel on the Titanic

Some people belive that they were on the Boat Deck inside the fourth funnel deck house and others state that they were somewhere on E-deck or it might be F-deck. I remember reading this somewhere on one of the dicussion forums. Here is a discussion regarding the kennels on the "Olympic Forum":
http://www.network54 .com/Hide/Forum/mess age?forumid=165547&m essageid=1007339030

Most historians agree that the most logical location would be on the boat-deck.


We've discussed it here as well. The G Deck location is cited on the Eaton & Haas plans, but I wonder about it's veracity. The problem is that their location puts it right across the passageway to the 3rd Class Galley which would raise some serious concerns for health and sanitation.

I've seen some specualtion for the boat deck too, (Right here on ET.) with the idea being that a deck chair storage was converted over for the perpose. This would make more sense IMO and would be fairly easy to do. Unfortunately, if any documentation was written up to the effect, it's either lost in an archive somewhere or is no longer extant.

Michael H. Standart

The E&H kennels on F deck actually came from a set of Titanic deck plans supplied by Harland and Wolff to the Limitation and Liability case against the White Star Line (re: Titanic). I have a copy of these plans and that's where the kennels are indicated. However, the space eventually used for the Café Parisien is marked on this very same plan as "Restaurant Promenade". This allows for the possibility that location of some of the rooms was modified since that plan was drawn up.
