Lake Erie Mirage Effect

I should have mentioned that the temperature table was a partial listing from readings taken on the Californian and submitted by letter later to the American Inquiry. Certainly the last two readings were from a stopped ship in more or less the same location.

I agree with Dave, this all makes for great speculation. There were some strange things reported by a few that night.
The strangest sight that I've ever seen from a boat on Lake Erie was a big ape climbing Cleveland's Terminal Tower.

-- David G. Brown
Agreed, Cleveland is pretty strange. Especially the Marsol region.

By the way, I did see an ape on the side of the Terminal Tower. It was really there, but it wasn't a real King Kong. It was some sort of inflated advertising balloon for a purpose that I never learned. From the lake it looked real enough except that it never climbed up or down--just sort of hung around.

-- David G. Brown
On a more serious note, this talk has reminded me of the days I used to do day sailing in Raritan bay and Sandy Hook bay. One of things that you could do from Sandy Hook bay was to take a range on the WTC towers to check your magnetic compass deviation if you were so inclined. The centers of the towers were almost aligned in a perfect north-south true direction from each other. That's all you had to do was get to where the north tower building (which had the TV broadcast tower on it) was directly behind the south tower building and you had a perfect landmark for due north true.
Navigators term what Sam describes as a "natural range" as opposed to a purpose-built set of range marks or lights purpose-built to guide ships in a channel. Noticing and making use of such naturally occurring situations has always been considered the hallmark of a skilled navigator.

--David G. Brown