Last Remnants of the Titanic

Excellent article. I have never seen many of these photos of the Titanic lifeboats (post-sinking) before. I didn't know there were so many. I have a question about the White Star advertisement. It says, "All our steamers have wireless telegraph and submarine signals". I do not know what they mean by "submarine signals". I doubt they are referring to communication with submarines.
At the start of the last century there was a system of submarine bells installed near ports that could be heard using underwater microphones built into the ship's hull. An operator on the ship could use the sounds to get a rough idea of the ship's location, I believe. Somehow I doubt it worked too well but it was a popular installation at the time.
At the start of the last century there was a system of submarine bells installed near ports that could be heard using underwater microphones built into the ship's hull. An operator on the ship could use the sounds to get a rough idea of the ship's location, I believe. Somehow I doubt it worked too well but it was a popular installation at the time.
Thank you. I was not aware of this.
Locations of Titanic's boats onboard Carpathia:


All IDs are based on photo evidence, but only 6 out of 13 could be identified. However, photos from Carpathia's arrival in New York show that 3 of Titanic's port boats ended up on the rescue ship's starboard side.