Liam Tuohy Chief Baker Joughin

I know this probably isnt so big but I consider it cool! I spoke to the guy who played the baker in JC's movie! I work for Marriott at a Reservations Sales Office and he called and made a reservations and we started talking he mentioned he was an actor and I have never made reservations for actors before and he mentioned he was in the movie and I asked who he played and he told me and I had to verify when I got home and I saw his name on IMDB. I think this is cool!
Hopefully he won't come to the same sticky end as George Rose, the actor who played Joughin in ANTR. There are several different versions of how he died, but the common theme between all of them is murder.

The most likely scenario appears to be that he was forced into a car which was then pushed into a ravine in, I think, the Dominican Republic. It happened I believe in the late 1980's. There is an old thread on this subject in the "A Night To Remember" section, if you want more details - as sketchy as they are.

Here's the thread, Matthew is referring to:

That's a great experience you had. It's not everyday you get to speak to an actor!