Greetings, Lifeboat 2 question- Encyclopedia Titanic shows 18 survivors but another website titled Titanic.Fandom list 24 survivors on Lifeboat 2 including the following family who were immigrating from Syria/Lebanon. Is Encyclopedia Titanic missing them or is Fandom incorrectly adding them? Any additional insight would be most welcome.
I wouldn't trust "Titanic Fandom" as a source if my life depended on it.

Lifeboat No. Two is now thought to have carried at least seventeen or at most nineteen people that night.

The latest research has the Tu'mahs placed in one of either Boat No. Two or one of either Collapsibles C or D.

I wouldn't trust "Titanic Fandom" as a source if my life depended on it.
I second that view. Someone for example wrote down that Colonel Gracie's search for Edward Kent and Helen Candee was at 1:30 instead of shortly after 12:40, that the fourth card player still is Arthur Ryerson (which Gracie later changed his mind on, with which I agree as all evidence points that Ryerson stayed with his family throughout the entire sinking, especially after the death of Arthur Ryerson Jr he didn't let his family out of his sight) and that Emil Taussig and William Thomas Stead were there (whom Gracie never recalled in any of his accounts). I don't know who made this stuff up, but it's fustrating as none of Gracie's his accounts reflect this.