Lightoller's Turtleneck

Lightoller is always depicted in movies wearing a turtleneck sweater? did he really where a turtle neck sweater? if so what kind? and what kind did he wear in the movies?
Yes, Lightoller did wear a turtleneck sweater on the night of the sinking. According to his biography, it states the clothing that he wore:


He returned to his cabin, and at 11:40pm, was just nodding off when he felt a grinding vibration. Still in his pyjamas, he went on deck where he met Third Officer Herbert Pitman who had also been disturbed by the vibration. They concluded that the vessel had hit something, but could see no sign of anything. There was no sign of undue alarm on the bridge so they returned to their cabins to await orders.

Ten minutes later, Fourth Officer Boxhall entered his cabin and informed him that "the water was up to the F deck in the Mail Room." Lightoller pulled a pair of trousers, pullover and a bridge coat over his pyjamas and went out on deck.

As far as what type it was and what kind is worn in the movies, I'm really not sure and plus it's a difficult one to answer. Perhaps someone else will know though.​
Lightoller, in his own book, says he was wearing a sweater and pants over pyjamas.

I fancy Kenneth More was given a white sweater in ANTR to make him stand out in the crowd. Lightoller was just as likely to have worn a nautically blue sweater.
That's interesting, Dave and thanks for the info. Another term for a turtleneck sweater is a pullover, so Lights is possibly confused once again.
A friend of mine pointed out that in movies where Lights is depicted sympathetically, he wears a white sweater. In those where he isn't, it's a dark one!
Hello there,

I was wondering what people thought of this picture,

It claims the central officer is Lightoller with Rostron and a Carpathian officer after rescue, suggesting it was taken on the Carpathia as she sailed to New York after the sinking. However, in the photo the man (not sure how they know it is him as it is not a great picture) is clearly wearing an officers uniform. However, as far as I understand it, he was not wearing his uniform when the ship went down. Did he borrow one off of an officer on board? do officers carry more than one regular uniform? Would he even wear a Cunard uniform, or would he refuse (company loyalty and all that)? Is it even Lightoller?
Maybe it's the 'bridge coat' refered to in a post above.

I say it depends on when the photo was taken. The Carpathia's people must have loaned the Titanic's people clean, dry clothing immediately after they came aboard, so they would not get pneumonia from the shock and the chill of wet garments. When their clothes dried out, they could wear them again.

Mr. Lightoller was a practical man, I understand, and would not let company loyalty stand in the way of feeling comfortable.
>>I fancy Kenneth More was given a white sweater in ANTR to make him stand out in the crowd. Lightoller was just as likely to have worn a nautically blue sweater.<<

>>A friend of mine pointed out that in movies where Lights is depicted sympathetically, he wears a white sweater. In those where he isn't, it's a dark one!<<

More likely the sweater was navy blue. Possibly the white sweater in ANTR just used to stand out in more contrast in the black and white photography of the movie.
The navy blue sweater was shown in Titanic (1997) which is of course in color.

I remember being issued a navy blue sweater (in the USN) somewhat similar to the one Lightoller is shown wearing . However, I don't think I ever wore it, having neither been shipwrecked nor having to stand in the cold on an upturned lifeboat for hours. ;-)