Lilian Carter

Lilian Hughes Carter with her sister May Hughes ran the settlement house Dew Drop Inn, Whitechapel, and provided a country retreat for poor children, prostitutes, and indigent people, most of them from the largely Jewish Whitechapel community. Both sisters learned Yiddish. An account of their activity is found in "The Angels of Whitechapel." (Attached).
Arthur Hughes,
my father Walter S. Hughes (1888-1953) was Lili and May's first cousin.


  • Angels of Whitechapel pp 65-70.pdf
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Lilian Carter was one of the 4 survivors from that Dinner Party at the a la carte restaurant that the Wideners threw for Captain Smith. The others were her husband William Carter, Marian Thayer and Eleanor Widener.

Does anyone know of any memoirs from Lilian Carter or any of the other survivors that includes 'minutes' from that party?
Arun Vajpey, hello--
Lilian Carter and her husband Ernest didn't survive. Please see the extensive biographical material on them in the Encyclopedia T.
My contribution above had an error. Lilian did not have a role in running the Dewdrop Inn with her sister May, as it wasn't established until 1926, at 71 Vallance Road. There is a blue plaque honoring May Hughes on the building today. They collaborated out of St. Jude's, Whitechapel.
For the full booklet on May Hughes, with reference to Lilian, visit
"Angels of Whitechapel" above is an excerpt.
Arun: You are thinking of 1st class passenger Lucile Carter who was at the dinner party in the a la carte restaurant. This is Lilian Carter who was a 2nd class passenger and would not have been at a 1st class dinner party. Also, the inn that you refer to was not operational until 1925, so Lilian Carter had nothing to do with it. For more information about the 1st class dinner party that night, this site has several stories about it.