Linda Goodswin's art work

I Have made these i collect things from the Titanic My Fav Person was Thomas Andrews
drawings of the titanic.jpg
I Have made these i collect things from the Titanic My Fav Person was Thomas Andrews
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Thomas Andrews...a favorite of many. One of the few figures of the Titanic story that hasn't gotten beaten up over the years. My opinion of him...all around good guy. He seems to be one of if not the only upper management people the workers actually liked and respected in the shipyard.
Thomas Andrews...a favorite of many. One of the few figures of the Titanic story that hasn't gotten beaten up over the years. My opinion of him...all around good guy. He seems to be one of if not the only upper management people the workers actually liked and respected in the shipyard.
Agreed, he’s the “saint” of the story, if anything
Agreed, he’s the “saint” of the story, if anything
Well I wouldn't anoint him for sainthood, but he seemed to be pretty much liked by all. He did work his way up so I'm sure that had a lot to do with it. I forget his name now but there was a foreman that the workers seemed to like and respect also. Times were hard for those working the shipyards and docks in Belfast during those days.