Lockyear Designer on Lusitania and Titanic

Dear Noel,

Thanks for the suggestion, but I do not know what the RINA is. I knew my question would show me up

The reason I am looking is that, I am a clergyman and Mr. Lockyear (who was "blackballed" after the inquiry" came to the US and was hired by the WPA to build our local city hall and he also designed the parish church (of which he was a member).

He designed the city hall as an exact replica "to the brick" of some manor house in Bournemouth and the church is an exact replica of the church he was a member of in Bournemouth too.

Having said all of this, I know almost nothing about ships, etc but was hoping someone would know something about him.


Roger Townsend-Hartline
Dear Roger,

RINA is the Royal Institute of Naval Architects. However, given the information you have supplied, it sounds more like you are saying that this gentleman was a "designer" - an architect perhaps? - who was a passenger on both the Titanic and Lusitania, and who designed the buildings you have mentioned, and not a naval architect involved in the design of either ship. Is this correct? Or, are you looking for someone who had a hand in some aspect of the design of both ships but wasn't aboard either vessel?

At any rate, neither the passenger or crew lists for the Titanic show anyone named "Lockyear". There was one Edward Thomas Lockyer, a 21 year old grocer's assistant travelling in 3rd class; however, he was not among those who survived.

Scott Andrews
Sorry I didnt make myself clear. He was a naval architect that worked on the ships. He was not aboard the ship. He was held (according to Princeton Historain David Stockstill) basically under house arrest during the British investigation .

He later came to the USA and worked on the Woolworth building and went to work for the WPA and came to Mississippi to build our sea wall and was given the job of building the City Hall in Picayune, MS.

I met with Professor Stockstill this past week and gathered the small bit of information I have about him.

Thanks so much for the input
Perhaps he was on staff at Harland and Wolff or a sub contractor? In any event, it helps to know that the designer of the Olympic Class liners was Alexander Carlisle. Leonard Peskett is generally regarded as the designer of both the Lusitania and Mauritania.