Looking for sources

"End Of A Dream" was my first Titanic book. It had been a gift from my Uncle that fired my interest into a lifelong fascination.

I'm older now, I have time, I am researching Titanic myself and going through all my books and looking up Library Of Congress online collections.
End Of a Dream got me particularly interested in the US Inquiry and the experiences of the crew in America at that time.

Unfortunately Mr. Wade did not always cite his work. Example--when he refutes Lighttoller's assertion that the crew were near mutinous by:

O’Donnell and Carroll maintained that the officers were indeed expressing annoyance at being detained in Washington and at Smith’s nautical ignorance—but the crewmen were posing no problems at all. They were now on a first-name basis with Senator Smith, who had managed to get Congress to raise their witness fees from three to four dollars per day. Wednesday evening they were followed all over the capital by a reporter from the Milwaukee Journal who said “they seemed to be enjoying the time of their lives".

Unfortunately there is no date, and that paper's archives are not online at the Library Of Congress. I'm leery of the for profit newspaperarchives.com online and travelling to far off libraries on research trips is not in the cards right now.

Does anyone have that article, or any other source of the behind the scenes stuff about the crew, Senator Smith, and the Michigan Minutemen?

Thanks in advance from an amateur researcher! I thought I had a good lead when I used the reprint service of the Milwaukee library to look it up on microfilm there but not even their staff could not find that particular article.