Lorraine Allison


It has always seemed a great tragedy that Lorraine Allison drowned with her parents when there were so many other options: eg., she could have been sent in a boat with a stewardess.

My question: In view of the fact that women like Mrs. Taussig & Mrs. Collyer were dragged kicking & screaming from their husbands & dropped into boats, why didn't someone take more initiative to try to save this child? This is not a case of an elderly Mrs. Straus making a reasoned decision to stay behind. It seems that Lorraine could have been forcibly taken to a boat.
It is more likely that Mrs Allison would not allow her little Loraine to leave, as it is she already lost little Trevor (who was in Lifeboat 11 with Nurse Alice Cleaver). Mrs Allison would not be dragged from her husband, and as Mr Lord said in 'A Night to Remember', there was no amount of persuasion or force that would keep Mrs Allison from her husband. There is, at least, a version that fits best in my eyes.