Lucy Christiana, Lady Duff Gordon

Lucy Christiana, Lady Duff Gordon (Mrs Morgan born on 13 June) (née Sutherland) Palm print of showed a protective square at the end of travel line a mark of protection from catastrophic drowning over lapping the water affined criticality from cancer where as W.T.Stead was drowned being born in July 5. who had a cross at the end of travel line,where as Lady Duff Gordon had a squre at the end of travel which was considered as genetic escape from such a catastrophe..Water affined genes are more for gravity drowning in water .Genetic ray emission from the sun as a function of solar magneticfield confirming the water affine genes that will be activated in course of time.Not alone this ,the astrogenetic implication is that these waves will trigger the activity in the arrow of time. This further confirming spewing of water particles from the sun during June-July.In fact spewing water particles is observed in case of White dwarf ,thanks to Sir Arthur Eddington and Hon.Chandrasekhar The story does not stop here,and the of white dwarf by absorbing huge quantity of light rays at the end to be turned as Dark dwarf..In a properly-known quantum effect referred to as superradiance, atoms can emit light at an enhanced rate compared to what is possible in classical situations. This high emission price arises from the way that the atoms interact with the surrounding electromagnetic field. Logically, structures that superradiate will have to also absorb light at a larger price than standard, but so far the superabsorption of light has not been observed. This really happens in the end life of white dwarf ending in a dark dwarf..As the physicists explain, superabsorption is the reciprocal of superradiance. Superradiance was first introduced 60 years ago by the physicist Robert Dicke, and since then has found a variety of applications, including a new class of laser. Physically, superradiance occurs when a system of excited atoms decays and moves down a ladder of states called the "Dicke" or "bright" states. As a result, light can be emitted at an enhanced rate that is proportional to the square of the number of atoms.Sankaravelayudhan Nandakumar,Astrogeneticist on behalf of Hubble and Cambridge university research scholarMagnetic reconnection is the breaking and rejoining of magnetic field lines in a highly conducting plasma The first task is to generalize the magnetic switch theory to include rotation as a triggering parameter, in addition to magnetic field strength and plasma density The basic process of reconnection has been understood from the late 1950s. If two parcels of magnetized plasma have oppositely directed magnetic fields and there is a region of weaker or zero field between them, then under the right circumstances the parcels can approach each other. The oppositely directed magnetic flux can cancel out (annihilate), and the plasma can jet outward along the weaker field directions at a characteristic speed called the Alfvén spee Magnetic field lines break and reconnect, plasma jets are formed, heat is released, and energy can be transferred from one region to another. In reconnection, large-scale dynamics and small-scale plasma physics come face to face: This is an essential feature of multiscale, nonlinear space plasma physics. Magnetism is also responsible for the formation of sunspots. Sunspots are small areas on the Sun that appear dark because of their relative low temperature. This low temperature is thought to be caused by magnetic fields. The magnetic field inhibits convection, or the distribution of heat, resulting in a cool sunspot.Sun becoming a dark sun or dark dwarf was omitted by Dr.Chandrasekhar during those daysKind regards, Sankravelayudhan Nandakumar,AstrogeneticistNature Publishing Group Customer Services.ref:_00D20M75Y._500D0hTrVy:ref