Luggage tags

I have an old suitcase with a sticker on it that is circular and says white star line on it.The border is red in colour an it has a large "T" slightly off center on it. I have been unable to find a description or a picture of a similar luggage tag anywhere and I would appreciate any help on this.
We must be circumspect with our descriptions if we are to take this further. A "sticker" is a label, not a tag which is a tie-on device.

Baggage labels usually had spaces for the passenger's name, the vessel's name and destination port.

The large 'T' would normally be an alphabetical sorting device to facilitate baggage collection and customs inspection upon disembarkation. Baggage would be broken out from - variously - holds, baggage rooms and staterooms and hauled to alphabetised benches in the customs inspection area. It was here that passengers would be re-united with their baggage.

The question is begged - did you have a family member whose surname began with a 'T'?

I have a number of luggage sticker labels and tie-on tags of similar description from various lines. Many of the lick-and stick variety labels are often circular or oval, and the cardstock tags have a hole punched through the top and are tied on the handle of trunks or valises. Often "Not wanted in cabin" or words to that effect is on the tag so that it may be loaded into the luggage hold until journey's end. These are highly collectible and still fairly inexpensive.
This one has a lick and stick backing and is about 5 x 4 inches. These look great under glass on a computer desk or coffee table in a collage.
First of all I neglected to state that it is a sticker and if the large "T" is a family name I would have no idea as I bought the trunk at a yard sale. There are also other stickers such as Normandie and American lines. Is there a place on a ship that would be designated "T"? As soon as I can I will post a picture of this sticker. It is actually not in great shape so it may be unidentifiable. I would like to thank everyone who responded to my query. I really do appreciate everyone`s input.
The "T" on the sticker is a letter designator to alert baggage handlers at the pier to place that trunk, suitcase or valise in the baggage claim under that letter for easy finding by the owner at disembarking. I have several such stickers with various letters. These are different than labels meant purely for advertising the line. If you ever watch the Bette Davis movie, Now Voyager, when Charlotte Vane steps off the ship, you hear her mention "V" for Vane in regards to her luggage claim area to her family on the pier. Whoever owned, or once used your trunk originally must have had a last name beginning with "T".