Lusitania's funnels


It is often disputed over whether Lusitania's funnels were painted black or regular company color on her last voyage, from photos i have seen in books about the lusitania which claim to be of her on her last voyage her funnels apear to be cunard company colors. what is your opinion on the funnels?

Also in dispute seems to be the matter of the 3 alleged german spies on lusitania, something ive stayed neutural on, what is your opinion?

also in dispute seems to be William Turner's and his actions on the voyage. some say he its not his fault, but the fault poorly trained crew and officers. others say it is his fault, and others go tend split the blame between the turner and crew and officers. whats your opinion?

also, since you helped Ballard in his book Lost Liners, i was wondering if you know where i can find Articles (from Proceedings Magazine) by John Carroll Carrothers about the Andrea Doria. i have been searching for them and cant seem to find them. i tried asking Mr. Paulsen who Assisted Aglot Mattsson on his book "out of the fog" (originally written in 1986 in sweden, tranlated w/ help from Paulsen in 2003), he cant seem to find the article, tried asking the Editor and got no response. if you know where i can locate the articles or can supply them please let me know.

Jesse, I recommend you read Eric's article The Lusitania Disguised? Unraveling the Mystery published on Park Stephenson's site:

This extraordinarily well-researched, written and documented article, featuring Eric's superlative detective work, pretty much puts the controversy her over funnel colours on the final crossing to rest once and for all.
I just have to say how well done this whole documentary is. But I thought it was agreed the funnels didn’t collapse during the final plunge. Here, the third and fourth ones are depicted doing so. Has there been any official testimony on this matter?
