Lusitania's Lounge Photos Needed

Hi Everyone,

I have several questions about the Lusitania's Lounge...unfortunate ly because of home remodeling most of my books are in storage.

I was hoping everyone could post any photos/postcards they may have. The lounge photos I need to see were in "Exploring The Lusitania" and "Majesty Sea: The Four Stacker" -- but any and all photos/postcards would be appreciated.

I need the photos to illustrate my questions and make them more coherent. Hope you guys/gals can help. Thanks, Robert

Here's one. If you can give me the page numbers from "Exploring the Lusitania," I can scan the photos from my collection.

Eric Sauder

Eric, thanks for the photograph. I can't get to my books now, but in "Exploring the Lusitania," the photos were on a double page included your posted photo with smaller images surrounding it. The image I'm interested in was of a postcard. It was in the upper right corner. I keep thinking pages 50 and 51, but this may not be correct.

There is a nice photo in "Majesty At Sea: the Four Stackers," which show the lounge before carpeting and most furniture were installed. I believe it is credited to the Scottish Record Office. If you (or anyone else)have this photo, please be kind and post it.

Thanks and best regards,

Robert- the largest archive of ship photos in the United States is found at the University of Baltimore in the Steamship Historical Society Archive there. Truly- they have everything. Majesty at Sea IS a treasure and Jack Shaum one of the nicest men I ever met- truly Walter Lord calibre. This magnificent book came out as one of the first beautiful tributes to the great liners. He was a speaker at several chapter meetings of the organization to which I belong and last I heard, was still living in Baltimore( another Walter Lord connection!)- Here is the link to the archive-
Once more Eric, thanks for posting the photos. (Thank Ken Too) I had always assumed the Lusitania had only one lounge fireplace. My questions would have concern the way the fireplace went up to ceiling in some photos and not in others. The Scottish Record Office photos show what appear to be some sort of grill and not the stain glass skylight my misguided belief of only one fireplace I was curious if the lounge wall had been moved forward at some point.

Eric has informed me that the Lusitania's lounge had two fireplaces. Now without any significant questions, I feel rather foolish causing Eric so much trouble.

It is nice though, to see the photos posted, it really illustrates what the White Star Line was up against and their need for the Olympic class liners. As much as I love the Olympic class liners and their passenger accommodations (staterooms) many ways I feel the Lusitania had a much more impressive first class lounge and dinining room. I also find her second class public rooms more impressive. (Okay guys don't flame me too bad! LOL)

Take care and best regards,


P.S. Thanks Shelly for the archive link. ;)