Majestic 2


There's a website on the net dealing briefly with her including her sister-ships. If you put Imperator-Vaterland-Bismarck into a search engine for the whole web then you should be okay. Must sign off now, writing at college.

Best regards,


Don't know if this picture is of any interest, I found it in a junk shop and then spent ages trying to work out which ship it was. The pipe in the nearmost stack identifies it as the Majestic. Still, looks like a fun job.
Mr. Hind. Is this what you do for YOUR meetings? Play "Capture the flag?", (or bottle of Old Crow?) (I'll have to try that on the Q.M. next month, and maybe we'll have a bigger turnout!) Since you didn't label the people, I will try for you. It appears that the men may be identified as Behe, Cook, and Whitfield, and the fourth I believe is Michael H. Standart, but am at a loss for who the last one is. The one climbing up the ladder looks like the adventurous Mike Herbold, but I may be mistaken. Well, how did I do? :)
Yeah, ask yourself this question - if he's so good looking, why did the cameraman ask him to turn his back to the camera, hmmmmm?

Actually, I think I can successfully prove that those gents ain't any of us. George is afraid of heights, Geoff gets seasick and I'm so blind I could find a funnel if I was standing inside the thing!

However, apparently Phil Hind is a lot older than he's making out, if he got this snap. I wonder if he has this portrait in his attic which keeps getting older...? Just a Wilde guess there.

Best regards,
***Still, looks like a fun job.****

Hi Phil,

What do you do for a living? Run across hot coals?!
Being suspended halfway up a funnel ain't my idea of fun!


No WAY that's me up that stack! Uh uh! point a gun at me to get me to go up and I'll invite you to pull the trigger. If I go to great hights, I prefer to have an airplane wrapped around me.

Seriously, it looks like these chaps are deep in that favourite sailors passtime (NOT) which is cleaning, chipping and painting.

Michael H. Standart
Sam, "Being suspended halfway up a funnel ain't my idea of fun!" You youngsters don't realise that us geriatrics have to grab OUR fun any way we can! If it involves such practices then it's nobody's business but ours! Hell, it ain't illegal yet!!

Cook, At last, what I have always said is being taken notice of,Phil Hind's real name IS Dorian Gray! I thought he looked a little older when I saw him last April - though on reflection he was probably just drunk. I understand that he is really in his 60's (years, not I.Q.) but, it must be remembered that he is a wonderful, caring man who is quite capable of removing us from this Board!!

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Don't know if this picture is of any interest, I found it in a junk shop and then spent ages trying to work out which ship it was. The pipe in the nearmost stack identifies it as the Majestic. Still, looks like a fun job.
Considering the relation to the diameter and length of the stacks in the picture.:
It may be an optical illusion but the stack doesn't look so tall.

Also....Looks like some kind of connection and tube running off the bottom of the stack.
What could that be ?

But I must confess I am probably the world's worst acrophobe and aquaphobe. That's why my tenure in the USN was just for 4 years and I didn't make a career of it.

I'm the one on the solid deck below the stack taking the picture.....Since the stack painters have already been identified. LOL
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Does anyone know of any sites relating to this Majestic (exe Bismark)?

Regards Nigel

Hi Robert,
Thiers is a good book by Richard De Kerbrech. SHIPS OF THE WHITE STAR LINE which covers the Majectic. One can just see the back of the funnel in the book. The front cover photo is the Majestic. Largest liner in the world until French liner Normandie arrived in May 1935.
1937 Becomes the largest Royal Navy ship renamed HMS Caledonia. Remain the largest until the new aircraft carrier Queen Elizabeth is built.