Maps of the Wreck Site


I was wondering if anyone knows where I could get a large scale map of the debris field?

The only one that I have found so far is a two page map in one of Dr. Ballard's books.


The only thing close to a map that I recall seeing was a sonar scan, which merely shows the area covered by the field.
It would be interesting to see everything marked out, though.
I dont know if this has been asked before by me or by anyone else but is there any accurate maps of the wreck site? I know in Dr. Pellegrino`s book Ghosts of the Titanic, there is a map on page 135 of the stern area of the wreck and the debris around the stern. Not sure how accurate this is but I was seeking if it exsists a map of the whole wreck site.

Also what ever happened to the sonar scan that was done on the discovery channel in the 90`s? Was it ever released to the public or is it currently sitting collecting dust, reserved for vip`s?