Maria Baclini

Can anyone tell me more about Marie Baclini, Did she have children, did she ever talked about the Titanic?

Much appreciated

Hey Andrew,
Marie Baclini didn't remember much but never liked to talk about it at all, according to her daughter Joyce Khanisur. She lived out her life in Brooklyn, New York and was the last survivor of the "Titanic" Baclinis although a younger brother and sister born in New York outlived her. She did fly to Italy for a vacation once and also took a cruise to Bermuda after "much discord" with her husband about it. She is buried in Calvary Cemetery in New York as is her little sister Eugenie. Her husband lived to be in his mid 90's and just died in 1996.

Hi Andrew,

Marie Khanisur did grant one interview about her experiences but her memories were disappointingly vague. She did remember the gunfire at her lifeboat which strongly supports the belief that she and her family escaped in collapsible C, along with their family friend, Adele Kiamie.

Mrs. Khanisur is buried in New Calvary Cemetery, located a few miles away from the Old Calvary Cemetery where her sister, Eugenie, was buried.

Eugenie's grave is unmarked but I'm pleased to report that an approved marker will be placed on her final resting place shortly.

One interesting tidbit about the Baclini family that is not widely known. In 1912, the family lived at 3 Washington Street in New York City. That location is one street away from Pier 54, the site where the Carpathia returned with the Titanic survivors. The Baclinis literally walked off the rescue ship, and quietly walked into their apartment. Their residence is still standing but is not occupied anymore by tenants. The building has since been converted into a meat warehouse. The cobblestone street still remains and is another visual reminder from the Titanic era.

Hope this helps....

Wow thanks for the info, I knew I could count on you guys. Is Joyce Khanisur still living? Why did Adele Kiame die so young? did she ever marry or have children?

Thanks for your help,

Hi Andrew,
Yes, Joyce Khanisur is still living. Adele married and had a daughter, Lila (also still living). She (Adele) died of cancer that had metastasized through her body--but the source of the malignancy had been melanoma.
