Marie Grice Young

Laurie- just a tip- Marie has no stone, but three other survivors buried there do- Helen Sweeney(1980), Patrick O'Keefe (1939), and Hannah Spollen (1982). You can visit the spot where Marie is interred-. The cemetery is actually right on the Pleasantville /Hawthorne line but is actually in Hawthorne if you ask at the gas station. I have sent all my photos to the TIS archive but the plot number for Marie(ask at the cemetery office) is in Section 41, Block 3, plot 176, grave #1-and don't go in the winter if there's snow on the ground- you can spend a lot of time searching!
Dear Laurie, Brian and Shelley,

It is sad, isn't it?, that a lovely, refined and cultured lady--the music teacher of the Roosevelt children, among other things--would lie in an unmarked grave!

I became very impressed with Marie Young when she showed such honesty and kindness in making known the fact that contrary to newspaper accounts, she did not witness particular heroics on Major Butt's part, though she told President Taft, in a manner of speaking, that she would certainly be anxious to tell him if she had.

Best regards,
I can find enough information regarding Miss Young concerning her doings aboard the Titanic, particularly through her document "Lest We Forget," which I thought she wrote very well. But what of her upbringing and her family? What were the names of her parents? And did she have any siblings? I also have a question concerning her life after the sinking. I knew she lived with her friend, Ella Holmes White, at Briarcliff Lodge in New York; I also know that Ella White lived her latter days at the Manhattan Hotel Plaza. What about Miss Young? I know she ended up in a resting home in Amsterdam, NY, but there is quite a gap from 1912 to her death in 1959, and I am sure there are other tales to be told.

I appreciate any information concerning this subject.
Hi, my Uncle who has extensive knowledge about our family tree said we had two relatives linked to the Titanic one is Francis Young a fireman/stoker under the crew manifest and another Marie Grice Young whom was a First Class passenger onboard. Just looking for more information. Thanks.
Hi, my Uncle who has extensive knowledge about our family tree said we had two relatives linked to the Titanic one is Francis Young a fireman/stoker under the crew manifest and another Marie Grice Young whom was a First Class passenger onboard. Just looking for more information. Thanks.

Here you go:
