Martha Stephenson

I have been watching the movie Titantic the last couple of hours. I have seen it many, many times. It is old, and i am young, but it to this day is the best and most inspiring love story out there. I cry in sympathy for those who suffered every time i see it. After it ended, i immediately ran to my computer and looked up information on the Titantic. It is a very interesting story and it made me want to find out more. I looked up pictures and googled the names of all of the passengers who died and survived. Scrolling through the many names of those who's lives were taken, i was thrilled to find that my last name, stephenson, also belonged to a passenger on board of the Titantic, and not just any passenger, but a survivor. This made my day knowing that i could be related to someone who not only went through this tragety, but the 1906 San Francisco earthquake as well. She had to have been a strong hearted woman, despite her death from heart failure. Thankyou for providing me this information. The story of the Titantic will continue to be remembered and respected long after my death. -E. Stephenson.