Master at arms office

Hi Jaime.

Cameron possibly wanted to use the artistic effect of making Jack - chained to a pipe - look out of the porthole as the office slipped below the waterline.

This wouldn't have been possible if he'd based that scene where the office had actually been located in the ship.
If the Masters at Arms had an office at all, it wasn't the room forward on E deck which is generally mentioned. That was their sleeping accommodation, furnished only with bunks and a wardrobe.
These plans show the mater at arms located in an area more suitable to the movie. IDK if Cameron, or anyone else, had a copy of these plans.

Those are Olympic's deck plans, not Titanic's. I don't know which ones Cameron used, but if he had Olympic's deck plans instead of Titanic's, it would make more sense if he placed the Master at arms' office there.

I'll have to add that to the wikia.