May have found early photos of Harold Lowe

I hope it's ok to post this!

I apologise for the state of this photo. Had to use a phone as had no scanner. Can anyone help me with this.

I bought a few sheets of photos from an Antique fair, these look like they have been taken out of a scrapbook. When i was looking through the sheets the guy mentioned there was a connection with the Titanic but wouldn't say anymore when i asked him. About 7 photo's on each side. Not much to go on for a date or place and the only place name is "Rosehill"

I collect antique photos and bought this for my bedroom. I thought this gentleman looked familiar, and asked around when a few people stated that they thought he looks very similar to Officer Harold Godfrey Lowe Fifth Officer of the RMS Titanic.

Now i'm not too sure, in some photo's he looks like him, but in others he doesn't.

As i don't know where this Rosehill is (could be anywhere in the world) it's hard for me too look further. I did Google Rosehill and the surname Lowe. I got a hit of a Lowe family living in Rose Hill, Lee, Virginia, USA

Does anyone else think this could be him, or even relatives?

Not in anyway saying this is him. Would just like people's opinions. Unfortunately no date on any of the photos.










Hallo Avvie - Phil drew my attention to this post some time ago, but I had some trouble logging in to respond. With the new rejig on the messageboard I've been able to log in again.

I'm very confident that the person in the photographs is not Harold Lowe. There are some broad similarities, such as hair style, but he had quite distinctive features and - having seen many, many photos of HGL - I'm confident he's not the Titanic officer.