Melbourne Australia Titanic exhibition opens 14 May

This upcoming exhibition was announced in Melbourne today.

The Artefact Exhibition
14 May - 17 Oct 2010

Journey back to 1912 and experience the Titanic's maiden voyage.

Explore detailed reconstructions of the ship’s interior including the Grand Staircase and First and Third Class cabins.

Discover how the ‘unsinkable’ ship met its fate and connect with the personal stories of people on board as you view artefacts recovered from the ocean floor.

See treasures never before presented in Australia in this Melbourne-only showing.

Tickets go on sale on 15 April 2010.
Thanks Michael. (Drat, you beat me to it.

And here's a direct link to the exhibition's website, put together by Frontier Events:
Just saw something on the news advert about Titanic related objects in Melbourne,it may have something to do with this thread.
channel 7 and channel 9 will be broad-casting something during the news tonight at 6.00 pm,so any Members in Melbourne should watch the news,I'll add more input after the news if I need to.

your's truly.
Ok,it was talking about the same objects in which the OP has mentioned, Its going to be huge.
The grand stair case doll is going to be present,bunks,candle holders ect,just can't wait.
I am hoping I might meet some ET Melbourne members there,that would be the icing on the cake.

Take care. spouse and I show Images of this great day coming up in May.
Apparently ,the exhibition was declared open by the news board-cast last night but the exhibition will not be open for the public until May 14th,what gives?
The exhibition must be open for private parties before the public are aloud to view.
Oh well.
Don't worry. It was only an announcement yesterday. The exhibition hasn't been built yet, and the objects are still in America. I know people who work there, and there's a lot to do in a short amount of time to have it open by the 14th May.
Thank you Michael.

Eng Yorkshire, you have misunderstood the news item(s) you saw. It is usual for Melbourne Museum, ACMI and the National Gallery to announce news about fantastic exhibitions like this well ahead of time - Pompei, Dali, Picasso, Art Deco, The Guggenheim Collection, and now Titanic.

And to back Michael up, I know people who work there too and people who were at the announcement*. Early days yet and lots of time for the public to see the show once it all is in town - particularly with the advance notice to get ourselves organised.

*And was suitably cross that they didn't mention it to me at the time. ;)
Thanks for the back up, Fiona !!

Unfortunately, everyone was sworn to secrecy about the exhibition until Tuesday's public announcement. I guess they're afraid that the media won't turn up, if they already know about it !!

Here's the video they showed as part of the launch. It's not the official ad, but something they call a `sizzler' video (don't ask me why, I guess it's suppose to get people excited !!)
Thanks for the link, Michael. It's a great little teaser - or sizzler - to get people excited. Sure the music for the Now section's a bit over the top and I spotted that usual Olympic officers photo darting past, but will I be there? Wouldn't miss it for quids.

The secrecy around the announcement was well observed. Even though we're usually quite good about keeping our traps shut, this one was a notch above the norm: not one person who knows I'm a Titaniac knew it was happening. I would think that's now been rectified just in case there's a 'next time'. ;)
I wish them the best of luck with it.
Shall see if Daniel Klistorner wants to go and see. I think we'd likely enjoy it.
They might give us a free coffee or something if we give them a few pointers on the ship.
I think some pointers will be needed: a colleague has lent me a promotional pack, including Judith Geller's catalogue, and I've already spotted stuff that isn't quite right. This includes that photo of EJ and officers on the Olympic incorrectly identified as Titanic's crew, yet again.

I'm looking forward to going through it all, and there's a DVD too. I will also be able to compare the catalogue with catalogues in my collection and see if anything's been updated.