Miss Lillian Asplund

Happy Birthday, Lillian My bestbestbest wishes to you!
I have enjoyed one person remember about her.

All the best,

Delia Mahoney
Had to finally post after being burglarized.
All my electronics, from computer to clock radios was taken.
Yet, the Titanic room was undisturbed, thank the maker!!!
The culprits caught and reimbursement forthcoming.
Anyway, I share this birthdate with Miss Asplund and wish her all the best!!!
Oh, woops, I`m a month late, well, still HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you, Lillian Asplund, my very favorite Titanic passenger.I`ll pray that you will recover from your illness, & be in good health.-Laura
Happy Belated Birthday, Ms.Asplund! Woops, I'm a month and 2 days late, well better later than never!

How come no one wished her Happy B-day this year ? As late as I am, am I the first one ? Probably.