Molly's grandson

Apologies if this has already been asked, but Molly Brown boarded the Titanic in a rush to visit her ill grandson. She was keen to get there in time as she had never even seen him before.
Does anyone know whether the grandson lived or died, and what was wrong with him?
thanks, Charlie
Oh yes, Margaret's grandson, Lawrence Palmer Brown, Jr., did indeed survive his illness. According to Kristen Iversen, young Lawrence Jr. recovered by the time the Carpathia reached New York, and so Margaret decided to stay in New York to help with relief efforts for her fellow passengers.
Hi David.

Right now, the answer is really "No". Muffett Brown, to my knowledge, is not a member of this board, nor is her brother.

Muffett Brown has attended Titanic events in the past, but I don't think she wishes to have contact with people on a regular basis.

I also know that Muffett has a second cousin, Helen Benziger, who is Molly's great-granddaughter by her daughter Helen. Again, Ms. Benziger is not a member of this list, and wishes to maintain her privacy, from what I have heard.

I don't know about other descendants, even though I believe Larry Brown and Helen Benziger had two children each, and thus, likely, many more great-grandchildren of Molly Brown.

If my information is in any way incorrect, I apologize.