Most Accurate looking Smith

Who do you think was the most accurate looking Captain Smith?
I reckon Laurence Naismith( so did Mel Cooke for that matter, she was the real Smith's daughter).

Yes But by using full makeup he resembled Smith more in my opinion. And you can't use what Smiths daughter said in some cases because you don't know what she would have said if she would have seen Hill.
I think Bernard Hill was the most accurate, as well; I think of his image when I think of Captain Smith.


i would agree with Aydan...Hill didn't seem to have that "old salty" look..his face looked rather "young"...i guess all the makeup in the world can't capture "natural" age..the captain in the 1953 "Titanic" was pretty good, but maybe a little slim...
It's ironic isn't it ? Laurence Naismith was only 49 (the youngest ever actor to play the part)when he played Captain Smith in ANTR yet he looked hauntingly like the man himself. If you ask me Bernard Hill would have been better off playing a steerage steward!LOL!

As for my criticism of the use of full make-up by Bernard Hill, it stems from something James Cameron said. He used words to the effect that his film would have the most authentic casting in that all actors would resemble those whom they played.
How about one of the worst smith portrayls--in Cameron's Titanic. was it my imagination or did Cameron intend Captain Smith to appear clueless and senile?
Yes I think he did. If you read the biography here it says things like he "was unusually cautious" and his skills of leadership seemed to have left him that night. So I think Cameron's Smith was pretty accurate.
Don't be so sure about Smith's leadership skills going on holiday. I've been attempting a cover to cover read of both transcripts. I'm almost done with the Senate transcript and I would suggest anyone and everyone give it a look. My read on the testimony points to much more active involvement by Captain Smith then a lot of people might believe.

If at times he seemed invisible, you can bet his influance was still there. From where I sit, it looks like he did what any smart Captain would do; call the shots and let his officers do their jobs without micromanaging them.

The results IMO, speak for themselves. They got 18 of 20 boats away without any panic until the very last even though the crew was largely untrained, undrilled, and unfamilier with each other on a ship with which few had any real experience.

That's no small accomplishment!
To Aydan And To Everybody;;

Here's a thought for you to grapple with; Back in the 1970's, PBS did a fictional tele-play based on a book by a fictional writer which concerned the idea of a court martial being brought against General George Armstrong Custer. It was meant to give us a moment to contemplate what might have happened had he somehow survived the Little Bighhorn. Now, suppose a ficitonal tele-drama was done about a trial involving Captain Smith having ,incredibly, survived the Titanic disaster. Who would you pick to play the role of the captain and {think about this}, what would the outcome of such a trial be?

Have a good day,