I was unsure where to post this as it's a model, but a specialised subject, so I posted it here.

This is the 1/350th scale replica I built in 2003 for the old website www.raisethetitanic.com and over a 9 month period as a kind of "How To Build One Yourself" feature.

The model is based on the successful MINICRAFT 350th scale kit. I used various photo etched parts from 'TomsModelworks' and a huge amount of scratch-building to get a model as close to the version from the 1980 movie.

I used a wide selection of stills, production images and behind-the-scenes images to complete the model.

The hull has an actual gash running along the Starboard side and bulkheads can be seen. The solid bow bulkhead was incorporated onto the model along with 3 cowling vents, relocated deck vents (to fit with the movie model), deck mud, textured hull and superstructure (using a car paint stone chip effect) and numerous airbrush work to create a ship after spending 68 years on the ocean floor.

I also created a large ocean floor for use in displaying the model, complete with broken 2nd funnel.


IN GREY PRIMER UNDERCOAT (during construction)

The film was such a mistake, but no one can get around the enjoyment of watching Our Lady Titanic. With any other ship it would be completely forgotten, but it's the one good bit that redeems it.
Will you be adding a miniature Deep Quest examining the ship? That was pretty cool.
Hello Ann

I have had a lot of people ask about the possibilities of replicating some subs for the model since I built it back in 2003. Maybe one day when I have the time again I will.
Hello Jonathan.

I saw your model on the RTT site years ago and have always enjoyed it. I still look at images of it from time to time to get a look at some detail that's hard to spot in the film. Granted, it's not how Titanic really is, it's still fascinating that at one time people (including me) thought that's how she would look because of reasons explained in the movie. 'Raise The Titanic' is still one of my favorite movies to this day. Wonderful job on your model!