My personal dedication to R.M.S Titanic and her passengers on this 100th Anniversary


Greetings all fellow dedicated and fanatic Titanic fans and buffs across the world, its a real pleasure to meet and speak with others that have the same fascination with this ship and her story. Especially since for so long, I felt I was alone and an outcast for being a young kid back in the early 80's when Titanic was nothing more then a legendary tale, let alone a way of life for a small boy. But enough introductions....

Well after nearly 20 hours of long and tiring video editing, my personal dedication to Titanic during this 100th Anniversary of her famous maiden voyage is finally done. Ever since I was a kid back in 1988 and I first learned about the story of this ship, I have ever since then been entranced and dedication to learning all I could about the ship, her people and the lessons to be learned as a one of the biggest pieces of history of all mankind. This video is from my heart and soul in remembrance of what occurred 100 years ago on this very day.

Hello, I am a new member to this forum and like you have been 'addicted' and 'obsessed' (my parents' words!) with anything Titanic related since I was a child. It all started when I was 9 and my teacher provided me with a book and a large piece of paper. She told me to draw what I saw on the page. It was then that something struck me inside and my fascination with the Titanic began! Since then I have studied her and collected any memorabilia I could get my hands on!

During my childhood and teen years, it was very difficult to find anyone who shared my interest and I would often drive my family crazy constantly relaying facts I had learnt about her. It is so refreshing to join a site and speak to people who share my love and interest of this beautiful vessel! I don't know about you but I find that no matter how many years I study her and just when I think I've learnt everything there is to know about her, she reveals something else and I realise there's so much more I can learn! As a teacher, I find learning new things very rewarding!

Anyway, sorry for babbling (I tend to do that a lot once I get talking about Titanic!) I just wanted to say that I watched your video and thought it was amazing! I found it very heart-warming and emotional. Some of the photos you included I have never seen before, so thank you for sharing your video with us!

"For those who built her, for those who sailed on her and for those who went down with her, I think of you all often and pray you will always be remembered xxx" This was my own personal message I wrote on some flowers I left at the statue of Captain Smith in Beacon Park over the weekend. I thought I'd share it with you as your words on your video are quite similar.