Mystery Shipwreck Photo

An interesting shot I found a few days back, no date, no title, no location given, showing a mid sized ship wearing White Star-like colors in dire straights. Any ideas on this one?
Well from the larger scan Jim sent to some of us, we can only be sure of one thing: she was a twin stacker
and had only two open decks. I also enlarged part of it to show (in red circle) what appears to be a couple of blades from a port propeller sticking out of the water. She then appears to be a triple screw ship. However I couldn't find any White Star ship that might be her.


edit: on second thoughts, these supposed blades appear to be too low below the waterline to really be part of a propeller. Might rather be rocks...or heads from a couple of people swimming away from the wreck. Anything is quite possible...
Anyone else?
My guess- and it is only a guess at this point- is that this is a West Coast US Liner. The funnel markings and shape are similar to those of the equally ill-fated Islander, and the stern structure is identical to that of several Pacific Coast ships of the 1890-1910 period.