National Geographic magazine information greatly appreciated

Would anyone know where I could find copies of the National Geographic magazines with Titanic in them. I am especially looking for one dated December 1985. Willing to pay for them, just need ideas where to find them. You can contact me by email at [email protected] or post a message here.

Hi Natalie,

As you're in the US, you might find looking at eBay listings of use: Otherwise, there's second hand bookshops or even flea markets or the like. Lots of people here have turned up copies of the Titanic issues of National Geographic very cheaply that way. Some may even have a spare and be able to help you out more directly.


ps I've changed the title of this thread to reflect the content so you'll get the response you're hoping for.
Hey Natalie!
Fiona is 100% correct! Ebay will get you what you want, but flea markets and estate sales are more fun!!!
I have so many of these magazines about Titanic and Lucy and WW2 articles it makes my head spin!!!
Begin hunting and you shall find!
Good luck!!!
Thank you Fiona and Don. Nice to meet you both. I appreciate that information. I found a whole bunch of National Geographics at a flea market recently, all of them from 1985. The catch was that the Dec issue was missing. Of course, the one I want would be. She had all but that one. Oh well, I will keep searching!!!! Thanks.
Natalie, I was just given 25 years of National Geographic’s. They take up so much room that as much as I would like to I am thinking about tossing them all out. I will dig through them and find the Titanic issue. I will GIVE this issue to you when I find it, provided you pay postage. E-mail me off board to remind me to look for these issues.
