New Expeditions ?

Yes two expeditions are happening this summer. OceanGate will once again be at the wrecksite next month. There was talk of RMSTI visiting the site, but I've been told they cannot afford it.

An expedition for next year is also in the works, by OceanGate.
Sad to think that the wreck of Titanic will not be there anymore at some point and will just be a pile of rusting steel pieces. I'm anxious to see what this year's expeditions will reveal.
I agree with you, I am wishing that their remains are not too far along in their decomposition.
I don't want his remains to disappear before my chance to see them with my own eyes comes.
It's a dream of mine to see the wreck before she's gone, but unfortunately we have no say in the matter whatsoever. It's a sad reality - that's Mother Nature for you.

It will be interesting indeed to see what kind of condition the wreck is in this year, opposed to last.
Is that massive bank of sand on the seafloor still slowly creeping toward the wreck or is moving now in another direction ?
It's a dream of mine to see the wreck before she's gone, but unfortunately we have no say in the matter whatsoever. It's a sad reality - that's Mother Nature for you.

It will be interesting indeed to see what kind of condition the wreck is in this year, opposed to last.

I'm fairly certain that Parks has stated many times that the claims of the wreck vanishing by X date are blown way out of proportion and are just media hype. Victor Vescovo who dove the wreck a few years ago also concluded the same upon seeing it. "Scientists" have been speculating that the wreck will erode away by a certain date for many years now and they have been wrong every time.
I'm fairly certain that Parks has stated many times that the claims of the wreck vanishing by X date are blown way out of proportion and are just media hype. Victor Vescovo who dove the wreck a few years ago also concluded the same upon seeing it. "Scientists" have been speculating that the wreck will erode away by a certain date for many years now and they have been wrong every time.
The expedition from last year unfortunately confirmed that the ship is still deteriorating at an alarming rate.

IIRC they said the officers quarters is now beginning to collapse in upon itself.
Parks and Vescovo also confirmed just over a year ago what I stated above. If you ignore the media hype and those trying to magnify it to profit off of it, the rate of deterioration is nowhere near as bad as people are making it out to be.

Is the wreck deteriorating? Yes, as does most metal submerged in salt water. Will some parts of it collapse sooner rather than later? Sure. But the whole idea that Titanic will vanish by 2020, 2030, etc. is rubbish. To make a set-date claim like that is not feasible.

From a quick search, I see that the bulk of the research was done by a Canadian/Spanish research team over a decade ago who identified the predominant bacteria at the wreck site as novel and then was followed up by a Dr. Henrietta Mann who ultimately made the claim that the wreck will soon be "a rust spot" at the bottom of the sea (I've read her paper). Everything after the identification of the bacteria has been mainstream media publications (Daily Mail, the Guardian, etc.) all saying the Titanic will soon disappear. You have to filter out the signal (hard data which is very little) from all the noise (which is all the media talk).

By the way, Parks is very accessible through his Facebook page and has had this discussion many times and would be happy to answer questions. As someone who has been to the wreck multiple times across decades and has spent countless hours with historians, researchers, scientists, etc., his opinion is far more valid.
I'm fairly certain that Parks has stated many times that the claims of the wreck vanishing by X date are blown way out of proportion and are just media hype. Victor Vescovo who dove the wreck a few years ago also concluded the same upon seeing it. "Scientists" have been speculating that the wreck will erode away by a certain date for many years now and they have been wrong every time.
Scientists like to make predictions based on the data that is available to them, but realistically we don't know when the wreck will disappear. However as Seumas said, the condition of the wreck is getting worse. At least 1,000 tones of steel a day are being consumed by the bacteria. P.H. Nargeolet who has also been down to the wreck many times since 1987 stated after visiting it last summer, "There’s major deterioration coming from the back of the bow section and creeping toward the front..." And the mast, which is more fragile, has completely collapsed on the deck. “Step by step, everything is collapsing,” he says. “And we will, I’m sure, next year, see some difference.”

By the way, Parks is very accessible through his Facebook page and has had this discussion many times and would be happy to answer questions. As someone who has been to the wreck multiple times across decades and has spent countless hours with historians, researchers, scientists, etc., his opinion is far more valid in my opinion.
Yes I know Parks and he is very knowledgeable. He even said after visiting the wreck in 2019: "The most shocking area of deterioration was the starboard side of the officers' quarters, where the captain’s quarters were"... "Captain’s bath tub is a favourite image among the Titanic enthusiasts, and that’s now gone. That whole deck hole on that side is collapsing taking with it the state rooms, and the deterioration is going to continue advancing.”
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We can agree that the wreck is deteriorating, some parts worse than others, and that it's only getting worse. That is undeniable.

My qualm is the alarm that the media, and in turn the people, stir up about it. This whole idea that one day soon we'll wake up and the wreck will vanish into powder as if Thanos snapped his finger is completely inaccurate but that is basically what the media is saying. Parks went on to say that while some parts are deteriorating quickly, other parts are relatively unchanged since he last saw them a few decades prior.

With respect to the "1,000 tons of steel a day" stat, how many tons is the wreck? I believe the ship was nearly 50,000 tons the day it sailed, and not all of it was steel. If she's decaying at a rate of 1,000 tons a day, the wreck would have been completely gone decades ago.
My qualm is the alarm that the media, and in turn the people, stir up about it. This whole idea that one day soon we'll wake up and the wreck will vanish into powder as if Thanos snapped his finger is completely inaccurate but that is basically what the media is saying.
The media loves to sensationalize things; this is what they do. Journalists know it will get people talking.

With respect to the "1,000 tons of steel a day" stat, how many tons is the wreck? I believe the ship was nearly 50,000 tons the day it sailed, and not all of it was steel. If she's decaying at a rate of 1,000 tons a day, the wreck would have been completely gone decades ago.
Note that I said at least 1,000 tons a day. Actually I've looked at it again and it is 400+ tons a day. And I'm referring only to the hull. The ship was 46,328 gross registered tons.
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